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Posts posted by gwapogi

  1. getting it in the `nads for a coupla weeks in a row qualifies, pretty much.

    and imho, hombre, we ain't legit like anyone in the top 6.

    we've just been lucky and a bit healthier than most but the tide's starting to turn...


    well, that i gotta agree with... we've just been quite lucky, particularly me... winning in a week w/o aldridge...


    taking an apparent drubbing from jumpman brings me back to the drawing board... the okafor acquisition still aint solving my team's weakness - rebounding...


    ...and outpicking me with dampier hurts... hehehe... was gonna play out lowry in the philly game then drop him for damp... well...



  2. ^^^


    ay sorry bro... masyado akong nabugbog dun sa dynasty (kaya si josh pa ang iniisip ko, hehehe)...



    ...anyways, same message, dikit ang stats... one bad play away from turning things around 180 deg... very close, bro consig...

  3. ^^^


    actually, i am about to take a 1-week hiatus too, most probably next week...


    i am always fixing my line-up a week ahead, even with my fickleminded-ness...



    if i'm not back in a couple of weeks / inactive for two weeks - ajb, could you handle the crew???




  4. waaahh..sayang yun mga bench player ko gumawa lahat grrrrrrr pati dun sa champions league...i benched collison who had a monster game grrrrrr nga pala just like to inform you all that ill be out for a vacation starting next week for about a month so medyo nde muna ako masyado makaka post...



    just make sure you have ur line-ups fixed, ayt? or u could arrange with commish to do so, i think...?

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