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Status Updates posted by moodywriter

  1. I posted a photo because I need a diversion, I want to feel deviant in my own way, I am proud of my body and I want to tease. If people can't get that, then I don't care.

    1. maddromeo


      Think you just diverted many people's attention towards you when you posted your photo! And right there you already knew... troubles gonna come! Relax it's MTC! ;)

    2. moodywriter


      I guess I won't have that problem now. The post was deleted.

    3. maddromeo


      For real? I wonder y? Hmm... Like this ah!? I know I know... hehe ;)

  2. @daddydrew, I don't really know if the talent is there. I just write what I feel and think.

  3. @gov, pwede. I'm a promdi as well.

  4. @jedi_pimp, thank you! Who would win though if Goku and Master Yoda would fight?

  5. I did post it. I do welcome comments about the photography, but NOT indecent proposals on the model.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. moodywriter


      I knew that but I guess I need a diversion. :) I can just ignore unwanted comments or PM's right? And thank you for the comment.

    3. cocoy0


      Ahh, trouble indeed.

    4. daddydrew


      T-R-O-U-B-L-E that is for sure...Lovely photo dear...Hope to be friends....

  6. @daddydrew, thanks.

  7. Will I post the photos or not? hmmm...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dong Manobo

      Dong Manobo

      If you're happy with it no matter what happens. go ahead. :)

    3. moodywriter


      LOL I don't know if I will be happy by doing that. Therefore, I shouldn't.

    4. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      for curiosity's sake, post 'em.

  8. I've read some of your posts. I could say that you're a decent guy. Thank you for being one on behalf of the female society! :D

  9. Hi! It was great to see you again. You are still cute as ever. Sabi ko sa'yo akin ka lang di ba? If somebody ever flirts with you, I'm going to break her bones and shave her head.

  10. My new mantra: I am happy no matter what happens!

  11. Listening to Linger by the Cranberries. I am such a fool for someone. He has wrapped me around his finger.

    1. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      that last sentence was the police. *wink*

  12. Why I wish on a shooting star: If it were not true and I make a wish, I'd lose nothing. But if it were true and I don't make a wish, I would have had lost my chance.

    1. xxxxdgnr8xxxx


      i don't remember jiminy cricket saying something like that. *wink*

  13. To post or not to post?

    1. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      To be or not to be, that is the question.

  14. Is there such thing as 'burning passion'? I sure would like to discover that feeling for a person.

    1. Edmond_Dantes


      That sort of thing does not get discovered as if it's something that happens in an instant. It steadily builds up.

    2. moodywriter


      You're right. It does build up without you knowing it. When you realize that it's there, you suddenly can't hold it inside.

  15. Bed weather again. Times like these make me wish I have somebody to cuddle with. Maybe I should buy a big stuffed toy.

    1. Gaston Le Foix

      Gaston Le Foix

      how bout if I just buy you one.... a dog? bear? or a pig?

    2. moodywriter


      A pig stuffed toy would be perfect!

  16. @steadyelmo, good morning to you too!

  17. Can I just feel a hug, and not crawling hands? Please?

  18. Hey... It's been a while. How have you been?

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