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Miss Zelda

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    Europop, Cillian Murphy, Las Vegas, Soho, Upper Eastside Manhattan, cheesy popcorn, Passion Iced tea from Starbucks,

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  1. Why are some guys rude sa ibang girls, di sila gentlemen?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. wakangamoks


      i think it depend in the situation.


    3. Agent_mulder


      Ganon talaga, iba-iba talaga ang guys and even people for that matter....

    4. sleep_heavy


      From my view... some guys unwittingly feel the inner compulsions of a girl when she comes on. However no body ever trained you how to react to what you "read" in a person. So most guys just react very rudely. I read people too. But have been around long enuf to learn how to react to what I read in people. Its a work in progress. Of course mistakes commonly happen but there it is. Thats my take on rude. Some others although few are just plain AHoles.

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