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Status Replies posted by Danielle

  1. Drained.....from all perspectives

  2. Listening on You Tube......Friday (I'm in Love) by the Cure and Mamma Mia by ABBA. Oh those were the days.....

  3. Am happy that someone is ok.....

  4. falls in love again....

  5. falls in love again....

  6. Listening on You Tube......Friday (I'm in Love) by the Cure and Mamma Mia by ABBA. Oh those were the days.....

    1. Danielle


      I'm about to sing it Ms. Riv. Oh geez, stop me! *BUT THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING THERE TO REMIND ME~~ (ahem singing at the top of my voice) :D

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  7. Listening on You Tube......Friday (I'm in Love) by the Cure and Mamma Mia by ABBA. Oh those were the days.....

    1. Danielle


      I'm about to sing it Ms. Riv. Oh geez, stop me! *BUT THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING THERE TO REMIND ME~~ (ahem singing at the top of my voice) :D

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  8. if you want to hate me, do it. i don't give two f*cks.

  9. i want outttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. i want outttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. .....wishes for this SUV badly. Haaayyyy........

  12. They put one of my closest friends in ICU and killed her husband... Those motherf#&kers

  13. Good to be back... Now is the time to give in ;)

  14. Failure to launch

  15. I wish I knew what it all meant.

  16. I wish I knew what it all meant.

  17. I wish I knew what it all meant.

  18. I wish I knew what it all meant.

  19. Well, the prosecution might have the flash and thunder, but the defense has got the moves like Jagger.

  20. Intellectuals never call themselves "intellectuals". (And I always view those who do with some suspicion.)

  21. Intellectuals never call themselves "intellectuals". (And I always view those who do with some suspicion.)

  22. In good times and bad time

  23. Holy Week choices: (1) an exploratory trip to Laos via Thailand; or (2) mountian climbing/island hopping/beach bumming in Occidental Mindoro with a charity activity on the side?

  24. Holy Week choices: (1) an exploratory trip to Laos via Thailand; or (2) mountian climbing/island hopping/beach bumming in Occidental Mindoro with a charity activity on the side?

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