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Status Updates posted by cHinitababe86

  1. thanks for adding me. cheers! enjoy mtc.

  2. ello there. thanks for adding me enjoy mtc. cheers! *hug*

  3. thanks for adding me. enjoy mtc. cheers! *hug*

  4. thanks for adding me. enjoy mtc. cheers! *hug*

  5. thanks for adding me. enjoy mtc. cheers! *hug*

  6. thanks for adding me. enjoy mtc. cheers!

  7. please pray for the repose of my father's soul, he died yesterday due to liver cancer. i know he is happy now, experiencing painless life in paradise... i would appreciate it. check my chatroom for the burial details if you are planning to pay a visit. thanks :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. cHinitababe86


      hi neon, salamat sa pagpost. nailibing na ang papa, at ung mga sisters ko kasama ung mother ko andito kanina, they ate dinner rito sa apartment ko. :)

      salamat sa prayers. *hug*

    3. JonFerrer


      Condolonces po!

    4. cHinitababe86


      JonFerrer please include my father in your prayers thanks

  8. thanks for adding me. enjoy mtc. cheers!

  9. tnx 4 adding me. enjoy mtc

  10. meeting me? sorry but i dont EASILY meet up with people here. one impt reqt is for me to know the person well enough to convince me he's worth my time. so if u r interested, work your way in taking time to make me know u more, then we'll talk about perhaps having an eb if ever il be interested. ty

  11. thanks for adding me. enjoy mtc. cheers!

  12. thanks for adding me. enjoy mtc. cheers!

  13. thanks for adding me. enjoy mtc. cheers!

  14. thanks for adding me. cheers! enjoy mtc

  15. thanks for adding me. cheers! enjoy mtc

  16. thanks for the comment im doing good

  17. thnx for the comment

  18. i dont need to. only if the guys here realize hindi sila nagbabayad para replyan everytime nagp-pm sila. ^^;

  19. sorry but i dont give out personal contact details such as ym ids to people i barely know. a few gentlemen here only knows it. and those are people whom i personally met, or becme my friend eversince i became an mtc member here. :)

    let me get to know u even more, and gain my trust, and if u are still interested, maybe we can talk sometime. read my profile very well. enjoy!

  20. some st*pid, ass-kicking guys get mad and even tries to quarrel with me just because i did not reply back with their SENSELESS "hello.. can i have ur #? etc. etc" PMs.. i get a negative reaction like suplada ako, mayabang and all. ok. i cant please everyone. oh well. but please, dear MTC gentlemen, im just reminding u, that YOU'RE NOT PAYING ME to make replies for u. and also, i got some FREEDOM here to choose who gets a reply and who does not. ayt? love, chinee babe :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. cHinitababe86


      @chilldown oo nga. thanks :)

    3. robsalvador


      I hope this is allowed.. I recently opened a topic in Sex Tips... "How Do You Like Your Man to Make Love to You?"..


      I would just like to invite the MTC girls here to come join and give us guys a few "lessons" in life and love.. :)


      World Peace! :) :) :)

    4. Bipo1227


      Hmm, i guess they haven't read the first page quite well.. but that's life, you can't please all the folks. Let 'em be, you have alot more things going for you. ^_^

  21. thanks for the comment

  22. tnx 4 adding me. enjoy mtc.

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