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Posts posted by CodenameV

  1. Why aren't you married yet?

    Isn't a Chinese girl at the office?

    Why doesn't the company hire Chinese?



    My answer is that Chinoys wouldn't be caught dead in our office because it is far from the business and gimmick centers. Also, that area is known for criminality. Also, i don't like to date anybody from the office because i'm a boss and it would become part of office gossip if i did it.

  2. Normally, i try to be quite patient and understanding but there's a limit to how much i can take especially when there are other things that i should be doing. Shouldn't expect other people to be as accomodating and committed as me.

  3. How to Have a Beautiful Mind by Edward de Bono - basically a book on how a person can develop the conversation habits and practices that will make him/her more interesting to other people. By having respect for the views of others and also knowing how to respond to what is being said, you would become a more attractive person because of your mind. Well, that's what the book espouses. As with any theory or methodology, one has to validate and try it out if it works for them.

  4. perfectass,

    let me guess that the discus strain is of the Ghost variety. What's the age? It's seems parang juvenile pa rin.

    I should have really taken pictures of my discus before they all died.

  5. Locally, i prefer Toyota as they have proven themselves to be reliable and durable. I find Honda's image of being Prestigious to be an empty marketing ploy.

    Worldwide? Toyota is a great organization and is posed to be the biggest car company in the world. Honda's core competency is engines and they have used that to become successful in both cars and motorcycles. Both of them are remarkable organizations and produce great cars.

  6. Currently, Tiesto's In Search of Sunrise 1-5 and Magik Series are getting a lot of playback in my cd player when i'm driving along with the occasional Chicane and Paul Van Dyk cds in have in my cd changer. Also, i find the current Hed Kandi releases ever since Mark Doyle left to be more funky than what i prefer. The Beach Angel/Fierce Angel/ Es Vive releases by Mark Doyle are more to my taste.

  7. Six Thinking Hats by Edward De Bono - good book that introduces the concept of parallel thinking which is basically letting the people in a group think in the same direction rather than the usual off tangent paths a normal meeting would go into. Since i facilitate meetings on a regular basis, i've had to exert a great deal of effort in making sure that the relevant topics are covered. With this book, i can further refine my methods.

    In short, the author advocates that we should attempt to point everyone in a discussion to wear the same perspective in order to make it more productive. The 6 hats are White Hat - objective/ fact based, Blue Hat - organization/control, Black Hat - risks/ caution, Red Hat - Emotion , Yellow hat - optimism/ positive thinking, Green Hat - creativity/ progress.


    Well, at least i prefer it to the methods that Stephen Covey is advocating since i am more of a rational than an emotional person.

  8. The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck - a very difficult book to read but can be rewarding if you are into psychotherapy. One of the few books that allows you to go through difficult subjects like love, death, religion, etc. without being too rosy but with a rather pragmatic view. You may not agree with the conclusions but you will certainly develop your insights further. After reading the preface wherein one early reader mentioned that the book "talked about things people shouldn't or didn't talk about", I have to agree that some of the subjects were pretty much left for us to discover on our own until this book came along.

  9. Pinoydvd member also. The one thing that all members there face is how to store their dvds because they eventually become too many. I'm not one of the die hard collectors there and yet i already have around 400 original and 100 pirated dvds already and still growing. :huh:

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