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Posts posted by zolber

  1. Dear Digong,


    Lately, you have been exhibiting hubris -- foolish amount of pride or confidence. In Greek mythology, hubris always invites the wrath of the gods.


    Please do not invite the wrath of the Filipino people by often showing hubris and extreme arrogance.


    Again, please do not have me killed. I am neither corrupt nor a journalist.





    just to add:


    if if is ok for Duterte to k*ll (which is illegal) for the sake of the country's good

    then maybe it would be ok to cheat him (which is also illegal) for the sake of the country's good



    Logical, but I beg to disagree. To a Duterte supporter: If others k*ll, it is a crime. If Duterte kills, it is good for the country. If others cheat, it is unfair. If Duterte cheats, it is necessary.


    Mr. Jopoc, a Duterte supporter sees no evil in Duterte.

  3. Duterte: I challenge everyone to a debate on any subject under the sun.

    Roxas: yes, I accept. Let us elevate political discourse.

    Duterte: No, I don't debate with the No. 4 on the survey.

    Binay: Yes, I accept. Let us expound on our plans for the country.

    Duterte: No, I don't debate with the corrupt.

    Poe: Yes, I accept. Let us discuss our platforms.

    Duterte: No,I don't debate with the disqualified.

    Santiago: Yes, I accept. I eat debates for breakfast.

    Duterte: No, I won't debate with anyone. I lied.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. Just want to share what Duterte said : " JUDGE ME WHEN YOUR PERFECT! SHUT UP WHEN YOUR NOT! "

    Think of him in the last week of Halalan 2016. Your vote is respected!!



    This is a classic example of the quality of Duterte's reasoning widely appreciated by his legions of supporters.


    The English is bad. Should have been "Judge me when you're perfect! Shut up when you're not!"


    The statement is utterly illogical. Everyone is imperfect; so, everyone must shut up? If the poster believes this then, he should be the first to shut up.

  5. Noynoy:


    Jump with joy. You have just won another distinction.


    The New York Times has just named the Philippines as the most corrupt country in Asia, besting Indonesia and Thailand, considered more corrupt than the Philippines in 2006. This "distinction" was the result of a survey conducted by NYT among 1,476 expats from 13 countries and territories throughout Asia.


    With the Tanim Bala scam, I am sure the Philippines will win hands down the "most corrupt country in the world" title.


    The President of the Most Corrupt Country in the World. What a "distinction".


    I don't know ... but i would suspect that the Marcoses themselves have a hand in this social media campaign to "rebuid" their image.


    They've been talking about the projects and yet forget to talk about the "white elephants".


    They claim life was better then and yet economic data will show we're at the lowest point when they left.


    Sinisisi pa ang World Bank dahil tinaasan daw ang interest ... ang akin lang marunong o nakakaintindi ba ang sinumang nagsabi nito kahit basic economics at kung ano ang co-relation ng interest sa risk rating ng ating bansa.


    One more thing ... did the WB forced these loans to us?


    I agree. Their shameless lies are flooding the social media.


    They say the peso was higher during the Marcos dictatorship when the reverse was true. The value of the peso nosedived due to the mismanaged economy.


    They say Marcos built roads, bridges, schools, and other infras. They don't tell us that these were financed by massive foreign borrowings that pulled the economy down.


    They assert life was better then when more people were impoverished by the pillaging of the economy.


    It's good we still have people like you and Jopoc to remind us of the dark days when the forces of evil ruled the land.

  7. I am actually more interested in where you're getting your so-called facts. I cited some of the resources that I've read but you haven't provided any of yours until now. You also did not elaborate on your so-called "yellow media." Are my resources part of that? If yes, how can you say that?


    How can you say that your facts are accurate and correct and mine are not? I think you need to settle that first before we move on to other points. What do you think?


    I'm saying this because you keep on saying that facts are all around me and I can't beat facts. What are these facts exactly? Can you specifically mention some?


    I want this to be a learning experience for me. So I guess I'm waiting to be educated by you so fire away. Don't hold back. What should I know? :)

    Allow me to educate you, Sir.


    Marcos is really without peer among Philippine presidents.


    He is the only Filipino president recognized by Forbes -- as the 2nd Most Corrupt Leader in the World for having embezzled $5 to &10 billion. Despite impoverishing our people by bankrupting the economy, he has remained beloved by many of his admirers -- a feat no other president can claim. He killed democracy by declaring martial law, yet many of our people still honor him for his greatness.


    No other president can put blinders on many of our people. No other president can stunt the thinking process of many of our people.


    Marcos is really the best.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. Agreed!! This is the direct result of that stupid coding law of Maganto, Alunan, etal who implemented the coding law decades ago. The assumption was that people would forgo the use of their private vehicles at least once week and take public transportation instead. Wrong assumption!! As I mentioned in an earlier post, people simply bought additional vehicles to get around that stupid law. And without the necessary garage space to house these additional vehicles, people started parking on public roads next to their homes.


    The concept of coding was not thought off properly. No thought was given as to the consequences of this law.


    So now you have it. If the coding law is somehow repealed, hopefully people will get rid of their excess vehicles and sell these to people living in other parts of the country, particularly in the Visayas and Mindanao.

    Yes, the coding policy is one of the culprits. Many, including myself, bought additional cars after the implementation of this policy. On noncoding days, my children and my wife use my extra cars, thus increasing the number of vehicles on the streets.


    The other culprits are insensitivity, stupidity, and corruption.

  9. Noynoy,


    You are polarizing the country by asking your supporters to wear yellow ribbons in defiance of the Supreme Court.


    You are trying to destroy the Supreme Court so that you can rule unchallenged.


    Will your supporters go along with your dangerously deranged design?


    Perhaps, it is time for SANE and patriotic Filipinos to organize and oppose you.

  10. Actually I think he'd be better off as an MMDA traffic enforcer than president of this country!:lol:


    Baka di qualified as traffic enforcer.


    Pikon. Baka mabaril lang nya ang mga motorista. Mahilig pa naman sya sa baril.


    Mahina. Di nya kayang magpatupad ng disiplina sa mga tao nya. Lalong di nya kayang magpatupad ng batas trapiko sa mga motorista.


    Mababa ang comprehension level. Di nya nauunawaan ang Konstitusyon, kaya napakarami nyang paglabag. Lalong di niya mauunawaan ang mga batas trapiko.

  11. Forensic expert Raquel Fortun recently exposed Pnoy's ignorance.


    To explain the government's slow death count in Leyte, Aquino reportedly said: “It’s because you have to make sure that there is the certification or a coroner’s report before it is made official.” (Emphasis mine)


    Fortun rebutted him in her twitter account, saying Aquino obviously does not know what he is talking about.


    “Certification of a coroner’s report is needed before a body is counted?” Fortun said.


    “Do you know Mr. President that we don’t have coroners in the Philippines?” She pointed out. (Emphasis mine)

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