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Posts posted by lipgloss

  1. gud day to you. I am a migraine sufferer like you. i have tried almost all meds available and i guess you have to find out what works best. I the headache doesnt get relieved that easily i suggest you see a neurologist. i dont intend to put fear on your thoughts , its just that headache especially migraine is their forte. If you wann try meds first then you have a lot to choose from like over the counter ones like Ibuprofen + Paracetalmol combinations, Mefenamic acid, tramadol. mefenamic acid doesnt work well if you have a full blown headache. You have to take it at the start of the headache, which means when the pain is still bearable. and rest is very important. tramadol is ok but it really makes you sleepy. The other ones i have tried like mesulid(this works great), etc were brought out of the market coz of the heart complications.


    thanx eyedoc for your reply. i had 2 mri already with negative results. guess i just have to remain loyal to ponstan 500mg caplet. thats the only med that works for me.

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