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Status Updates posted by sOin2you

  1. With such response, maybe I should use this lip shade more often... (wink)

    1. tog


      yes you should :)

    2. sOin2you


      Ahahaha... Recently lang nagtry nyan. Thanks...

  2. With the way we're talking, my mind is working ____ually overtime... With a grrrr... LOL

  3. With this weather, more migraines to come...

  4. Word Game for an icebreaker while doing some work stuff...

  5. Work from outside nanaman.. Heavy rain.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sOin2you


      And I'm just about to start my day with a morning meeting.

    3. Wanderer101


      Cool. How's your day? Ingat pag uwi. Coffee time before going to work.

    4. sOin2you


      It was a downpour outside. And I'm still stuck here in the office..

  6. Work Mode even on Sunday...

  7. Work outside muna...

  8. Working on a Saturday... You gotta be loving your job to be doing this...

  9. Working outside has it's perks... Magastos nga lang. LOL

  10. Would it be so bad if I get addicted to it...?

  11. wouldn't it be the perfect crime if i stole your heart and you stole mine?

  12. wow.. hey, thanks for the comment you left on my profile.. have a great week ahead..

  13. wow.. thanks.. it's in the last page actually...

  14. XXX Movie Night (hindi palalagpasin para sa kalbo kong crush)

  15. Yes, may moments na mataray po ako. Thank you.

  16. Yes, selfish ako kaya akin ka lang...

  17. Yes! No need to travel, I can literally enjoy it in my own time and phase...

  18. Yesterday, while I was having coffee after a meeting, I saw in the monitor of the coffee shop my horoscope. It said, "Aquarius: A new love is seen the horizon." So, care to give me the coordinates for that horizon?

  19. Yey! Finally back with my old display name...

  20. Yey! Got my ticket na!

  21. Yey!!! Nakabili na ako ng balut...

    1. cxxxavier


      Good for you!

    2. manoy buknoy

      manoy buknoy

      Iba naiisip ko sa pangalan mo. Sa Tagalog pasok na pasok sa kaloob looban hahaha jok

  22. Yey... Candice opened for the show of VS 2017

  23. You don't deserve someone who comes back... You deserve someone who never leaves...

  24. You don't have to like what I like so that we can jive... Just say that you're not trying to get into my pants, then that might be a good start.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sOin2you


      @Viola Do I want to know what that "no good" is? LOL

    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel



      @ viola, sis, me too! i solemnly swear that i am up to no good!


      @ soin2you, hahaha! i promise. i won't try kasi kahit type ko pants mo, di ko pwede hiramin not unless may dala kang extra or type mo pants ko, exchange? LOL! #palitpantalon

    4. sOin2you


      @QD Ahhhh... Sis, asahan mo na maluwag ang pants ko sayo. LOL!

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