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Posts posted by naughTyMelanie

  1. This is a tough question without having more information.


    This is a dilemma that you will have to sort out with lots of thinking. Are you sure this is love? Are you possible not happy with something in your marriage and don't know it? Then you would be looking for outside happyness. If you are completely unhappy in your marriage and want to work it out then do that, if you don't then you do deserve to be happy and should tell your spouse before any feelings come about between you and your new interest. People get married for the wrong reasons sometimes and then realize that it just wasnt what they wanted. Be honest with yourself and other from start to finish and then you would agonize about it later. Be ready though for this to backfire on you too. Do you know if the other person loves you, too. What if you separate or divorce your husband to find out the other person isn't in love with you? Sit down and weigh all the options and do what is best for you with the least amount of hurt to be felt by all. Dont stay in a relationship that you are not happy in, we only live once and you do deserve to be happy.


    -- Anonymous

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