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Status Updates posted by Miggz

  1. I just can't get enough of looking at your myspace acct... but I'm sure staring at you from across a table an having animated conversation beats staring at a hundred sexy pics of you on a computer screen :P

  2. I just can't get enough of looking at your myspace acct... but I'm sure staring at you from across a table an having animated conversation beats staring at a hundred sexy pics of you on a computer screen :P

  3. Hi wendy :)

    Tried to add you on my ym but I was surprised I already had you on my list. I can't remember chatting with you before, though...

  4. Hi wendy :)

    Tried to add you on my ym but I was surprised I already had you on my list. I can't remember chatting with you before, though...

  5. Just visiting you back :) Hello there wendy :)

  6. Just visiting you back :) Hello there wendy :)

  7. Happy Birthday! hope you're having a good one :)

  8. Happy Birthday! hope you're having a good one :)

  9. The abduction with rape fantasy... ooohhh :P hehe :)

  10. The abduction with rape fantasy... ooohhh :P hehe :)

  11. Man... you're cute! :) I'm not surprised your inbox is full :P Wish it wusnt...

  12. Man... you're cute! :) I'm not surprised your inbox is full :P Wish it wusnt...

  13. Welcome back :) You were gone for quite a while...

  14. Welcome back :) You were gone for quite a while...

  15. Addicted to cityville. Maybe I should take up masters in urban planning/development

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Miggz


      You mean, to get masters? I don't wanna go into any more formal studies... its time for me put whatever I've learned and make money :)

    3. Miggz


      I should change the name of the game to "candy crush" :P

    4. Miggz


      Level 304... only during idle time. I used to play it on my office pc. How bad was that???

  16. Hello there :) Are you an admirer of japanese culture?

  17. HHBD, leyna :)

  18. Hi Honey! :D Miss yah! :)

  19. Yeah, doing great too... a great amount of work that is! :P Lets chat again sometime :) TC

  20. Hello there. Haven't been in touch for a while... busy na kase :/ Hope you're doing great :)

  21. Hello there, beautiful :)

  22. That really is hot! whew! :)

  23. Long break over... still sending out pheromones? :P

  24. Hey there :) If you got time to chat, here's my ym: uuy_whataguy Let's see if I can help you fight your boredom :P

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