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Posts posted by quality_checked

  1. lord,


    thank you for allowing me to survive the past few days. its been tough since the world turned upside down a few weeks ago. i live by the day now. i've learned from the mistake and can only wish we can make the adjustments. however, i also know that alot has happened already. maybe its too late for any reparations or maybe not. i just wanna follow your leading. i know things happen for a reason and i have to abide with that. i only wish things ended in a simpler manner.

    even in the middle of this, i still wish the people involve good things. i hope that we all learned something from it and move on. amen.

  2. i havent been online for sometime now and i would want to take this chance to give thanks to you boss chief up there for all your blessings. both the good and the bad. the last year and a half has been a mixture of experiences and situations that's been successful and others failure. i go through struggles everyday and the most reason one i am still trying to figure my way out. nonetheless, i know that your hand is at work in all the situations. i feel that i may not see nor hear your replies but everything that happens, happens for a reason. i also wish i cay request that you spare me the pain but i also doubt is thats possible. i will have to settle on my trust in you that you will not test me beyond my control. alot of my defenses are down at the moment and i am back to living on a day to day plans. thank you for reminding me that there is goodness in being dependent on you every step of the way. my sorry for being stubborn and feeling almighty at times. i hope to resolve my concerns soon and be back on track the soonest.

    thank you for loving me just the way i am, lord.

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