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Posts posted by gandararugu

  1. people get hurt all the time by a partner who no longer wants to be a partner, by a friend who lets you down, by a person who does not meet your expectations. We also hurt other people by leaving when they want us to stay, by not being the person they thought you were and by letting them down by not been able to give them what they want. So i have been hurt a few times but I have also hurt others a few times. Thats life.

  2. Some people see sex as a necessary part of a healthy relationship, especially in modern countries. But a lot of people in the world still wait for marriage to have sex. They have girlfriends and boyfriends, too.

    Another reason why guys can't handle a relationship without sex is, guys NEED to have orgasms, it's different than women's necessities. Men have a biological basis behind it that women don't. Men need to keep a fresh, live supply of sperm and therefore get rid of the old for the new.

  3. I tried to make a soundtrack of my life one time, but I ran out of space. But if I were to do it again, it would deffinately have to have certain songs:

    Circle Game by Joni Mitchelle because we used to sing it at camp when I was really little

    Blowin' In the Wind by Bob Dylan, also one from camp, but mainly just a great song.

    Torn by Natalie Imbruglia because it was one of the 1st cd's I bought as a teenager.

    Something by the Backstreet Boys because I loved them in high school, possibly I Want it That Way.

    Also something by Britney Spears, probably Baby One More Time cause the video was filmed at my high school and it would amuse me every time I saw it.

    Oye Como Va by Santana because it was the first song I played in band in high school, and also a really good song.

    Across the Universe by the Beatles, a favorite of mine

    Graduation by Vitamin C cause it came out right around the time I graduated.

    Good Riddance Time of Your Life by Green Day cause my English teacher played it for us to say goodbye in 8th grade

    Alive by POD cause it was my class song

    And Just Like Heaven by the Cure, cause I love it.



    I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU//////////////

  4. YES..I personally believe jealousy is a good thing - if you didnt experience a bit of jealousy then in my opinion you wouldnt care very much for the other person!however if you let jealousy rule your life - or become an obsession - then it can spiral out of control and can ruin many relationships.An equal balance of trust and jealousy is for me the best form - it can be very hard to reel back in the green eyed monster - but approaching a problem with a mature steady solution than obvious jealousy tends to work better in my opinion...

  5. Fun is certainly a part of a great relationship. I love a guy who makes me laugh! But, the guy has to know when to be serious, too. Communication is high on my list. It doesn't always have to be deep thought and how do you feel about this or that; a simple conversation about how the day was is fine, too. Listening without trying to butt in is also important. If I talk to you about a problem at work or with a friend, I don't necessarily want you to fix it; I'm really just looking for a sympathetic ear. Being in balance individually and as a couple is a key for me. We have to balance fun and serious, impulsiveness and responsibility, work and play, individual and couple, etc.

  6. well, im a girl and so i usually do most of the tlkin and i dont care what guys think of me cuz i feel so comfortable around them so i talk about random things such as: "did u know they cant put the word gun on the radio?" and then that leads to music and that leads to movies which leads to sports....and if its really awkward, just say "im sry im not really good at this.." she SHOULD completely understand, if not then end the date short by ur cell "ringing"....

  7. wouldn't , I would just move on and find someone single, cause I always think about myself in their pater's shoes, How would I feel, if some girl took my man away from me, it's sad that people cant find their own partner , and they would do anything to get them, to themselves,they are selfish , and a home weaker, and bad karma always come their way.....

  8. There is nothing called a LOSER. We are all gainers all the time and live our lives peacefully. Loser is only a perception in the mind. The loser is a gainer for he knows how to fall and rise again to be a victor. This is my opinion.

  9. Not to brag, but yes, I am very good at small talk. I think the key is to look around you and inside your mind. There are so MANY things to talk about. Ask questions, tell a story about yourself, relate something to the situation you are in. I can talk to most any person. If they are hesitant to talk back to me it makes it even more exciting to try to get the person to respond to me.

  10. The first place to make changes is your diet. Cut the coffee, soda pop, red meat and junk food.


    Next, start getting regular exercise. Turn off the TV and the computer and take a walk, ride a bike or something that makes you tired.


    When you sleep, keep it down to 4 or 5 hours. Long periods of sleep will leave you groggy and listless.


    Right before bed enjoy peppermint tea. Warm milk is also good. Some people like chamomile tea. As you fall asleep give yourself suggestions to improve your sleep and other aspects of your health you want to improve. Enjoy dreaming!

  11. looking young is mostly about good genes,but it also can help if u sleep well,don't take too much sun,drink a lot of liquids,do exercise and also have as little stress as possible,so its quite complicated,to me looking young is about feeling young within your heart,and being happy, if u have someone to love you that's the best you can get to look good over the years

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