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Status Updates posted by perverto

  1. aww get well soon dear.. ;)

  2. Good day miss Damnhot..just droppin by on a slow and steady Thursday morning...hope all is well. ;)

  3. Hello VL how's it goin? hehe It's been a while balik mtc adeek mode ulit ako. :D

  4. wow! you're pretty! ;)

  5. hello miss Innocentqueen you're beautiful! ;)

  6. sigh...nuthin much to do on a long rainy weekend ;/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. perverto


      Oh oo nga pala Hangover 2...I need to see that today palabas pa kaya? It's good walang pasok ngayon pwede pa tumambay. :D

    3. damnhot2128


      It was showing p khapon sa powerplant,market market and glorietta pero and eastwood..check click the city :) it's soo good!!

    4. perverto


      yup! It's still there at Eastwood..I saw the first movie too. :)

  7. Hello beautiful it's been a while..How's it goin? ;)

  8. noOOoooooooOOoo I'm innocent! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. perverto


      hehe noted ma'am...pero yung message ko kasi was about meeting up another friend for a drink tapos sabi ko miss ko na sya then ayun na send dun sa number nung other girl which apparently is a common friend of ours..hala! :D

    3. triathlete


      pervy, kamusta na ?


    4. perverto


      Tri pare It's been ages kumusta na? hehe eto same old balik mtc ulit ako para mawala konti work stress hehe...We should hang out again whenever possible bro. Nagkita kami ni Maddie last week lang. We miss you guys!

  9. zup parekoy? ;) di ako maka login sa FB kaya dito ako napadpad hehehe :D

  10. Sweet evening to you miss damnhot!..whew! it's really hot in here hehe :P

  11. haha miss u parekoy super bagal lang ng internet connection ngayun coz of the tsunami :( ...musta weekend natin?

  12. haha noOOoooooooOOoo I'm innocent! :D

  13. what's down? ;D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. perverto


      haha nope!..what's down is something i see every morning :D

    3. angel_dust


      what's down is something way south. HAHAHA


    4. perverto


      what's down is what makes us happy Morning, noon and night time :D

  14. hi chinny! waladate this Valentines eh hanap mo naman ako hehe...take care and enjoy your weekend! ;)

  15. hello chinny Happy Hearts day! ;)

  16. Hi miss FS it's been a while..how's it goin? hope alls well :)

    Happy New Year!

  17. dear Wild Lauren,


    How Old is the "older guys" for you? hehe :)

    hope to hear from you soon..

    Happy new year!

  18. hi lauren just droppin by....everyday :)

  19. thrash till death! m/

  20. hello miss summer your friendly stalker droppin by hehe...stay lovely as always. :)

  21. hello chinny ayus lang ba tayo jan? hehe...hope all is well with you and panda..keep safe! ;)

  22. awww you're so lovely. ;)

  23. hello miss fleur....di pa ko inaantok kya daan muna ko dito sa malupit mong profile page..ayus lang ba tayo jan? :)

  24. hello ...thought I'd drop by and say goodnight to this lovely lady..hope all is well with you ;)

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