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Posts posted by slowfolks

  1. Greatest player covers such a broad spectrum. Whats the criteria? Scoring titles? Records? Chmpionships? Single-handedly taking over games or making your team play better?

    What ever the arguement i think its fair to say the MJ will always be in the discussion.

    But serious arguements have to be made for Bill Russell. IMO he gets the edge over MJ

  2. I watch boxing but only those worth watching, in short i always skip undercards. With mma its different, i watch all undercards.

    In retrospect i think this is what i meant when i said MMA has the bigger fan base. Not from a numbers stand point, but more of a true fan of the sport. Lets face it more peoplw will watch boxing, but only when its worth watching. MMA fan watch all fighters. I mean, even when watching a prize fight on tv you can see no one is at the arena watching the undercards. Most of the seats are empty up until the main event. People are they really just to see 1 fight. So the fan base is very different.

  3. But yes, comparing the 2 sports isnt fair. Theyre both combat sports but they are totally different sports. Its like asking which is better, tennis or badminton. At the end of the day the 2 sports have their own niche.

  4. I think in a way MMA has taken over boxings market. Neither sport will ever go away, but as a whole i think MMA has the larger fanbase. People really follow the sport. As for boxing, most fans follow 1 or 2 of their favorite fighters. What makes MMA stand out as a sport is that it is continually evolving. The fighters, disciplines, techniques, etc.

  5. I think in a way MMA has taken over boxings market. Neither sport will ever go away, but as a whole i think MMA has the larger fanbase. People really follow the sport. As for boxing, most fans follow 1 or 2 of their favorite fighters. What makes MMA stand out as a sport is that it is continually evolving. The fighters, disciplines, techniques, etc.

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