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Posts posted by baccaratboy

  1. Ratatouille

    A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. When fate places Remy in the sewers of Paris, he finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant made famous by his culinary hero, Auguste Gusteau. Despite the apparent dangers of being an unlikely - and certainly unwanted - visitor in the kitchen of a fine French restaurant, Remy's passion for cooking soon sets into motion a hilarious and exciting rat race that turns the culinary world of Paris upside down.



    Newly elected to Congress, the polished, preening newscaster, Evan Baxter, is the next one anointed by God to accomplish a holy mission--walking in the footsteps of Bruce Almighty. Evan leaves Buffalo behind and shepherds his family to suburban northern Virginia. Once there, his life gets turned upside-down when God appears and mysteriously commands him to build an ark. But his befuddled family just can't decide whether Evan is having an extraordinary mid-life crisis or is truly onto something of Biblical proportions.



    DIE HARD 4


    On the July 4th holiday, an attack on the vulnerable United States infrastructure begins to shut down the entire nation. The mysterious figure behind the scheme has figured out every modern angle--but he never figured on an old-analog fly, John McClane, in the digital ointment. It's the beginning of the holiday, but New York City Detective McClane isn't celebrating. He's had yet another argument with his college-age daughter Lucy, and received a crushingly routine assignment to bring in a young hacker, Matt Farrell, for questioning by the FBI. But for McClane, the ordinary has a habit of exploding into the extraordinary--abruptly hurtling him into the wrong place at the wrong time. With Farrell's help, McClane slowly begins to understand the increasing chaos surrounding him. An attack is underway on the vulnerable United States infrastructure, shutting down the entire nation. The mysterious figure behind the scheme, Thomas Gabriel, stays several moves ahead of McClane as he implements his incredible plans, known to uber-geeks like Farrell as a 'fire sale' (as in, everything must go!).

  3. If you're going to KL for 5 days I suggest you book the train (going to Thailand or singapore ahead of time) Everything in Malaysia is done by booking in advance.


    Train- going to thailand takes about 2 days while the route to singapore takes 12 hours. If you're going to singapore take the bus (travel time is around 8 hours). If you're going to thailand take the plane (travel time is around 1 hour).


    Prices of consumer goods in thailand is cheaper compared to Malaysia. Prices of consumer goods in Singapore is double that of Malaysia.


    For more information, try to browse the internet. Said countries have their own website.

  4. If anyone's going to Bora this March 23-25, (fri-sun). I have room accomodations at Laguna de Boracay. I won't be able to use them so I'm selling them at a cheap price. PM me if anyone's interested!

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