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  1. Questions that I wish to never ever hear…


    From my Mom: “ Bakit mo ginawa yon?”


    From my Dad: “ O! ano na plano mo ngayon?”


    From my siblings: “ Bakit mo ginawa yon?!? Panganay ka pa naman….”


    From my wife: “ Asan ka na?” , “Ano oras ka uwi?”, “Sino kasama mo?”


    From my kid: “ What did I do to deserve a father like you?”

  2. Cool thread!


    I was amused by the fact that some of the members tried to answer the question with a scientific answer.


    Please allow me to share a piece of my mind about the issue.


    I do agree that the heart is just a muscle and that the brain is the one dictating our emotions and feelings via the hormones and chemicals that it secretes. However, I think that science can never ever truly define love. Science exists because of hard facts and statistics that can be tangled with. Love is not like that…it is not matter that we can create or destroy. It does not have any measurements nor does it have any statistical values. How can your brain comprehend something that your five senses can not? How can your heart feel something if it is just a muscle within your body and the stimuli is something (or someone) from the outside?


    In my opinion, it’s the whole being of the person that feels and understands what love is. Not just the brain…not just the heart…it’s the person in his or her entirety.


    Damn. I really am too drunk….

  3. I guess that's the problem with girls.... they send off tons of signals that can really be confusing. Now, the problem with us men is that we have over stimulated receptors! Hehehe! Meaning, we tend to blow things way out of proportion when it comes to these signals.


    Simply put, men can never understand women and vice-versa but neither of the two can exist with out each other.

  4. 1> mag count 2 ten ka! pag ayaw....count 2 ten ulit! count 2 ten lang ng count to ten! :evil:


    2> drink till u pass out! :evil:


    3> lumamon ka! ( u need blood to digest the food in your stomach, so most of your blood will go there to help in the process leaving the other parts of your body including your brain...hence the yawning, drowsiness and eventually u can sleep.)


    4> work out to the max. ( your body will need to rest and recouperate after an excessive work out, normally shutting itself down. Key word is excessive!!)

    #1, 2 &3 are my favorites! :evil: :evil: :evil:

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