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Posts posted by kHaY3g4Rci4

  1. Is it true that women only have sex when they have feelings for the guy?



    http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t281/khaye_028/XGf_khayegarcia.gif nOt eVery girl sleep ONLY with guys they love.. some also sleeps with other men with different reasons... some were personal reasons some were WALA LANG... but for me.. i cant afford to have sEx with a gUy that i dont have any feelings at all ( ung tipong puro "L" lang ) if the feeling'S mutual why nOt?! hindi ung same kaming "L" .... but with the fact that we enjoy each others' company and we like each other... relationship?! i guess thats also necessary... :hypocritesmiley:

  2. simple lang http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t281/khaye_028/XGf_khayegarcia.gif moody.... but enjoyable pag kasama... di ka mabo-boring :boo:

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