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Status Replies posted by uwatog324

  1. Who wants to eat me? Ooppss i mean eat with me:) Lunch na po sweeties!:**

  2. One day maybe I'll outgrow this feeling and just be selfish and think.of my own happiness...

  3. ♫ i see your true colors ♫ shining through.. ♫

  4. ang kasweetan ng lalake... parang load lang... UNLIMITED... kaso TO ALL NETWORKS

  5. Who cares?

    1. uwatog324


      the care bears....i care....;-)


  6. Halfway there. Please let me have good news for a change.

    1. uwatog324


      hi mam...just read your commnet. im from betterliving but now out of the country....hope to chat with you soon..


  7. hello everyone......horny hot afternoon...

  8. Wearing my red skimpy undies. Hope this makes me lucky sabi sa fengshui.

  9. Wearing my red skimpy undies. Hope this makes me lucky sabi sa fengshui.

  10. does ABC and 123 applies? feeling all bubbly...

    1. uwatog324


      hi...havent talk in a while...just passing by


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. To the guy who found me on Facebook: Yes.

  12. my body is on fire...it toy time again...

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