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Posts posted by Robinthecat

  1. The Kobe #10 Olympic HDs i got from megamall...i saw it sa MOA as well...Nike......same price as regulars...6,459. I was lucky my gf saw it and the KB version...i saw the regular release..yung dark blue...ok lang kaya lang it has this sky blue color for the side panel na madumihin...yung mga nakikita kong ganito madumi na agad yung sky blue thing sa kahahawak pa lang, what more pag nilaro. I've also played in my HDs masasabi ko lang masarap sa paa...parang presto or Nike Free with the strength and support of hi tops....so masaya tlga ako so far.


    As the advertising says...lightest and strongest shoe....parang hurache (forgot the spelling)


    BTW sometimes pala nakatago yung KB HDs...you have to ask for it....sa nike shangrila edsa nilabas lang nung sales dun when a buyer saw my HDs and asked if they got the same thing.

  2. post-132044-1215877065.jpg


    I got my hyperdunks..kobe special....some people don't like the HDs but i love it.....really light...sarap sa paa....i played with a minor sprain from using the low cut agent zero 1's, the HDs supported the ankle well.....i love the design. worth the money and not as mahal as the AJs

  3. Sugar, We're Going Down

    by Fall Out Boy


    Am I more than you bargained for yet?

    I’ve been dying to tell you anything you want to hear

    Cause that’s just who I am this week

    Lie in the grass next to the mausoleum

    I’m just a notch in your bedpost

    But you're just a line in a song

    (A notch in your bedpost,

    But you're just a line in a song)


    Drop a heart, break a name

    We’re always sleeping in, sleeping for the wrong team


    We’re going down, down in an earlier round

    And Sugar, we’re going down swinging

    I’ll be your number one with a bullet

    A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it


    We’re going down, down in an earlier round

    And Sugar, we're going down swinging

    I’ll be your number one with a bullet

    A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it


    Is this more than you bargained for yet?

    Oh, don't mind me, I'm watching you two from the closet

    Wishing to be the friction in your jeans

    Isn’t it messed up how I’m just dying to be him?

    I’m just a notch in your bedpost

    But you're just a line in a song

    (A notch in your bedpost

    But you're just a line in a song)


    Drop a heart, break a name

    We’re always sleeping in, sleeping for the wrong team


    We’re going down, down in an earlier round

    And Sugar, we’re going down swinging

    I’ll be your number one with a bullet

    A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it


    We’re going down, down in an earlier round

    And Sugar, we’re going down swinging

    I’ll be your number one with a bullet

    A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it


    Down, down in an earlier round

    And Sugar, we’re going down swinging

    I’ll be your number one with a bullet

    A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it


    We’re going down, down in an earlier round

    And Sugar, we’re going down swinging

    I’ll be your number one with a bullet

    A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it


    We’re going down, down (down, down)

    Down, down (down, down)

    We’re going down, down (down, down)

    A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it


    We’re going down, down in an earlier round

    And Sugar, we’re going down swinging

    I’ll be your number one with a bullet

    A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it



    Theme song ko na sa ngayon...and it's "god" not "gun"......ganda!

  4. Hi "dog lovers". How often do you bathe your dogs? I thought kasi it should be done weekly. You see I'm a subscriber to IAMS newsletter and they had a topic when dog's should be bathed. According to said article, dogs should be bathed "as needed", that is when they're dirty na or "smelly" as too much bathing drys their skin and takes away natural oils. I know some people even bathe their dogs every other day.


    Since we are in a tropical country I e-mailed IAMS about it and asked advice. It's hot in the Philippines which may be the reason why we bathe our dogs (and even ourselves) more than other regions. They gave a reply saying atleast once every six weeks. To quote:


    "....require more bathing, perhaps every 6 weeks or more frequently. Some

    groomers recommend bathing double-coated breeds only about 3 times a

    year and suggest that smooth-coated dogs can go a lot longer between

    baths than can curly-coated breeds such as poodles. Too frequent bathing

    can cause the coat to soften and reduce its insulating qualities.

    ** So I would suggest that you bath your pet every 6 weeks."


    What do you guys think? Here's the article.



    The Right Time for Bath Time



    There are many different approaches when it comes to bathing dogs. For some dogs, it's a traumatic event that rivals a human getting a root canal. For others, it's a relaxing, peaceful experience. In all cases, dogs do need baths, some more frequently than others. So how do you know when it's the right time to throw your pooch in the tub?


    Cleanliness is not next to dogliness


    Do you have a dog that excels at getting smelly? Does your dog enjoy practicing “rollover†– in all the muddiest spots in the yard? As they say, dogs will be dogs – some more so than others. So whether your dog is a real wild one, or prefers the confines of a lap on the couch, every dog needs a bath to help keep them clean. Not just for the sake of your nose, but also for your dog's health.


    That's because a dog's skin produces a large amount of oil to help keep his fur healthy and to keep the skin from getting too dry. After time though, this oil, along with all the “other things†a dog gets into, begins to cause your dog to smell, or more appropriately, stink!


    Your nose knows


    When your nose notices your dog before you actually see him, it's time for a bath. Depending on the breed of your dog, and his individual genetics, you may have to give your dog a bath anywhere between a couple of weeks to every three months. What you don't want to do is give your dog a bath just for the sake of it. Those same oils that eventually lead to a stinky dog are vitally important to his health. Without those oils, canine skin becomes unprotected and dry, thus becoming itchy, which can lead to serious skin irritations.


    Like people, different dogs have different skin types. If you have a dog that has dry, flaky skin, only bathe him when it's absolutely necessary. One other way to help out your pooch is by using a moisturizing dog shampoo. Ask your vet for a recommendation if you're not sure which one to use. And of course, if you want to really spoil your furry friend, there are always conditioners and leave-in treatments…ah, the life of a dog.




    While the health and hygiene of a dog should be the driving force behind bath time, it's also worth noting the feelings of your dog before subjecting him to this human cleaning ritual. If you have a Golden Retriever or Lab, they may well try to join you while you're in the bath. However, other breeds may not be so gung ho about it.


    If you have a dog that hates baths even more than the vacuum cleaner or the mail man, make sure he's in desperate need of a bath before you give him one. Some people believe that a dog should have a bath on a schedule, just like a child. And while it may be true for some dogs, for most it is not.


    Wash away your worries


    Bathing your dog is a necessary part of dog ownership, but with a little common sense and consideration, it can be something to look forward to. After all, there's nothing better than having your dog smelling clean, all curled up next to you. At least until the next time he decides to change his coat color to mud-brown.

  5. Find some posts here medyo exag nga...specially kung Philippine setting.....my mom got to 6 figures only after becoming an AVP for a bank. My past boss na general manager namin na dating artista na coming from a "rich clan" gets 40-60 then.


    I know there are exceptions & sometimes swerte na rin and talagang weird and unfair compensation is towards some people....depende lang what you get based on luck, "talent" & how you market/ fight for getting what you feel you deserve. Someone posted na 100k total as marketing manager, di naman annually yan right? then halos walang OT, normal hours...waw....that's freakin' lucky huh?


    How weird are salaries? My experience:


    fresh grad started at 7k as advertising consultant for an ISP, basically lahat ng advertising and marketing responsibilities/ requirements from ads to web page to POS.


    Went to one of the well know ad agencies in the Phil....started at 11k + OT pay....worked my butt off....maaga na 7pm makauwi....may late night to walang uwian days.....when i left the comapany my monthly was 18k


    Became a marketing manager for 22k. Usual hours...8am-5pm lang.....unless there was an event which extend to 7 or 8pm and ofcourse ingress -egress which may happen during non regular hours but still, this doesn't happen everyday naman. Left that job at 24k.


    Went to SM (the mall) as marketing manager for 25k.....yes mababa but i was looking for challenges...bigger company and what i could learn plus networking opportunities....i got those naman...kaya lang i underestimated a lot of things....i know SM is known for being a S@@###hole in terms of employment pero lahat naman company may undesirable eh so...fight....culture here is really bad....you can get far by reallllly kissing a$$ minus skills or know how.......you get ahead by being kup@l and "murdering" people just to look good. Some top honchos are brats and throw tantrums when their not in the mood or see any kind of errors (if they were even errors at all). I was servicing a number of malls pa + the crap i got from my boss....25k was a real disservice. so i left.


    Now 30ks later.....working as marketing specialist for a multinational company.....i hardly do anything and my present boss thinks i work fast, siguro kasi laid back sila dito and nasanay ako sa fast paced. 9-6pm hours.......internet to the max.....days i don't do anything.......isn't it unfair? And some of my SM coworkers get less than 20k to work their a$$ of...with Saturday work....plus the BS from bosses.....man.


    Yup, with great salary comes great responsibility..yun agree ako with some posters that announce high salaries pero head will roll pag nagkamali sila..their heads......


    Depends talaga sayo how and where you end up and if you're happy. Some people live happily with less than 20k, some live in hell for 80k.....you choose your poison.

  6. I would Say yes to both questions. For me anything Forbidden or secret in a love affair is an adventure. And Hmm, both questions I guess have the same thought. :D Anyway, Why? Most adventures are heart Pumping and causes adrenalin Rush. It reminds us the feelings of the first-attraction we had. But Being a part of a forbidden or secret love affair doesnt just mean youre not single, in a relationship and is cheating. It could mean something like, Its forbidden because your family/parents doesnt approved of him/her. Or you're single, unttached and doesnt want your name to be tied with anyone else's.

    Check Out:






    Adventure...i agree.....tho one must be prepared for the "cuts and bruises" of most adventures....hehe...not for the faint of heart....hey guys have you seen the links of sofie? whoa...FHM girl next door pala and her bikini pics are hot!!! hi there sofie....hihihihh

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