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Gwen Morales

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Status Replies posted by Gwen Morales

  1. See? Am I just ordinary? Lol.

  2. Yung ma fall ka sa guest yun talaga yung kakaiba dun eh

  3. Gabi gabi akong nagpepray. Na alisin ang lungkot na ito sa puso ko. Pero siguro di Niya rin inaalis. Kasi yung lungkot na nasa puso ko, yun rin ang kaligayahan ko. :

  4. I am randomly adding peeps on viber. BUT please, if you intend mambastos, or be stupid while chatting with me, please --- go away.

  5. Hindi ako matutulog hanggat di ako nakakain ng pandesal

  6. And so spending the whole night doing nonsense so I could wake up late and do few things. Weird.

  7. Brown out :/

    1. Gwen Morales

      Gwen Morales

      Pwede naman lumuwas. Me transpo system rin naman dito

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  8. Brown out :/

    1. Gwen Morales

      Gwen Morales

      Sa bayan ng mayuyumi at magaganda. Na kasalukuyan at brown out.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  9. Lesson --- Character Building. Hindi lahat magugustuhan ka. Your choice wont overrule other choices.

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