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Posts posted by WyldeKarde

  1. My room in my apartment in pasig is relatively small and simple. Since i hardly stay in it save to sleep, there isn't much in it except for a lot of junk. I do have a large tv, an xbox and a decent sized bed. I also have a lot of comic books, books, toy guns, dvds and vcds all scattered in varoius parts of the room.


    I have a cabinet with lots of interesting stuff in them. Aside from your basic clothes, i have several bags prepared for specific purposes. I have my geek bag, my hobby bag, my outdoor bag, my combat bag and a hard suitcase i simply call my "bag of toys". The geek bag contains a lot of leftover items from various hobbies such as collectible card games of various types, video games, roleplaying books, etc. My hobby bag contains my model miniatures, jigsaw puzzles, model paints and other odds and ends. My outdoor bag is a big black bag filled with a tent, basic survival gear, sleeping bag, ropes and other outdoor paraphernalia. My combat bag is also another big black bag filled with my military type gear such as various uniforms, assault vests, holsters, bullet proof vest, goggles, etc. Lastly is my "bag of toys" which i will simply describe as containing enough firepower to start a small war. :D


    NOT exactly the type of room i would bring a female guest to.....but then again... :D

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