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Posts posted by markvl3

  1. It happened to me and is still happening to me. I work as a sales specialist in one of the top property firms in the philippines. Bored to death in work two years ago, i invited a friend to visit stardust for some fun. Little did I know that it would be a night that will change my life forever.


    There I met S_a_n_. One of the model there. There is someting about here that attracted me. Words are not enough to describe how I felt when I first saw her. it transcended physical attraction. I am old enough to appreciate a woman's body and their other physical attributes (she has a great body and a pretty face with expressive eyes.) but those are not the things that got my attention. There is something mysterious about her that I felt have to know. Needless to say we had sex. It was one of the greatest I had. You can just feel it. Its more than just satisfying lust. Mine and her's. There was no haggling about the price. We felt that we have known each other for a very long time already. There was an emotional attraction.


    Letting go the following morning is diffifult for both of us. Complicating further the situation is the fact that i was married at that time and every law know to God and to man and to society dictates that I should get hold of myself.


    My phonebill skyrocketed for the nex month skyrocketed. Major portions of money she fleeced on her guest went towards buying prepaid cards that were used to call me. I make it a point to visit her almost everyday in her home.


    Then reality bit.


    she found out that I was already married. the sight of her crying almost broke my heart. It was not a hysterical type of crying we often see in movies but rather a cry of the one betrayed by the one they love. A few day later my wife also find out about our relatioship and demand that i end it or leave our home and its relative comfort.


    Deaf to all advices, I decided to cast my lot with S_a_n_. I heard all the deregatory words attributed to someone in her profession but i never changed my decision. We started anew, I left my car to my wife and went out of the door almost nothing but the shirt on my back.


    Our belief in our love is being severy tested. We decided that she should stop working as a GRO/model. Whatever saving we had is soon depleted (she insisted that I even surrender my money to my wife). We have to sell our mobile phones in order for us to make both end meet. We had been evicted from the house that we are renting for non-payment. Those are just the easy trials and we know that there is even more forthcoming. but we will overcome them because the ties that bind us are strong. it is made of sterner stuff.


    my advice to those experiencing what we are undergoing right now is that they shoud REALLY ask theirselves if what they are feeling is truly love. that is the only foundation that your relationship will have. You should also be totally honest toward each other. It is very often that somebody mentions S_a_ n_ in some threads. You know, what I dont care. trully I dont. Whatever she is during those time have ceased already.


    Now we have a handsome 8-month old baby boy and another one coming soon. we never had any regrets about the paths we have chosen.

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