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asmodeus last won the day on January 9 2013

asmodeus had the most liked content!

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    pissing off sneaky sinful ones
    who change my profile info
    without my consent

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  1. So what video games are we currently playing ???? It doesn't neccessarily have to be the latest or the hottest game in the market (though thats perfectly alright). I admit I still play some of the older games like Plants vs Zombies (on my PC and on the iPad) and Burger Shop2 (on the PC) Screenshots are most welcome.
  2. Hypothetically Speaking ....... if it were your last day of existence and you were given a choice to order anything you want as your Last Meal. What would it be ???? For me, I'd choose a generous serving of Lapu Lapu Sashimi and Spaghetti with Meat Sauce. (Coca Cola regular would do for my drinks.)
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