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Posts posted by zaguuu

  1. Hello EveryBody,


    I have so many DOGS right now I would like to sell them very cheap.



    PITBULLS - 14 Puppies - 5k Each (last Price)


    Bundled With BITCH - and 7 puppies 38K (negotiable)


    Golden Retriever - 6 Puppies - 11k Each (negotiable)

    Bundled with BITCH - 45K(negotiable)


    CHOW CHOW - 4 puppies- 12k Male (negotiable)


    Cocker Spaniel - 3 Puppies - 10K (last Price)


    Bull Terrier - 2 puppies 20k -25k


    Doberman - 1 puppy - 5k



  2. Nice to hear there are DOG LOVERS and specially pit bulls


    I also own some pitbulls


    I have 2 DOZERs, 1 BLUE, 1 Chili,

    2 figthings lines


    My other BREEDS are







    If ever you want to booze the muscles of your give them VITAMIN E, REVICON and also kung puppy pa yung CHERRYPER.


    pEro the fastest you can do it is thru a VET, ask your vet to inject STEROIDS on your DOG, kaya lang di ako sure kung may side effects with regards to behavior

  3. Magtatanong lang po:


    Pag ang Contract ba ay walang document stamps and hindi Notorized and the business that gave the contract only has DTI registration, pwede bang maging null and void ang contract.




    Meron akong Business PROMOTION naka register ako sa DTI then pinapirma ko ang mga talents ng contract pero di ko nag document stamp and hindi ko din napa NOtarized, pwede na nila akong sabihan na VOID ang COntract.


    Or kung umutang ako in behalf on my talent na hindi nila alam ang actual interest rate. pwede ba nila akong balikan at sabihing hindi nila alam na ganun.



    Sana po ay mapaliwanagan nyo akong mabuti mga iginagalang kong abogado

  4. can somebody help my friend....


    she has signed a contract with an travel and promotions agency for which she is due to go to japan, unfortunately she became pregnant and was not able to leave on her scheduled departure, now she is being ask to pay the full amount of all the processing and documentations (including Airfare). Is there any possiblity that she will not pay the full amount or just pay in terms.



    Thank You

  5. Ako madami akong SPOOKy STories


    1st is when My grandfather died NOV of 1994, It was just me, my lola and my eldest tita sa funeral home kasi malakas ang ulan and nobody in their place can go sa funeral house kasi as in malayo talaga. sabi ng lola ko wish daw ng lolo ko was sa bahay nya siya maburol, eh makukulit mga tita kong sosyal kesyo ganito kesyo ganyan, anyway the whole night it was raining heavily, then we suddenly heard yung faucet sa kitchen nung funeral room na tumutulo, the problem was duon ang daan namin sa harap ng kabaong, then iikot pa kami just to go inside the kitchen. so 2 kami ng tita went to the kitchen pag tingin namin dun sa gripo walang tulo so tayuan na agad balahibo namin plus sobrang lamig ng kitchen, eh wala namang aircon dun. so takbo kami pabalik ng sala, without telling anything to my Lola, after 20 mins dumating yung Bunsong tita ko then she went directly to the kitchen to prepare our food paglabas nya galit na galit sa amin kasi daw yung lababo umaapaw na sa dami ng tubig. this was really scary



    The next day, we decided na iuwi yung remains ng lolo ko sa bahay nya.

  6. pareng Binoyski71,


    Maybe I can help you out on this, Your Monitor is having a hard Time getting a signal from your PC, if this is the case. gamit ka ng tester to check the pins of your monitor cable if all is ok, then try to check your VGA card, if your VGA card is builtin within your motherboard check your CMOS setup, kung AGP naman ito check if it is properly attached to the slot. Also check your settings in the control panel, ano ba OS na gamit mo. or baka naman nagiinit yung monitor mo, if this is the case buhayin mo muna yung PC mo bago mo buhayin yung monitor mo. anyways just let me know what happened and I will be more than willing to help you

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