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Status Updates posted by wastedsunshine

  1. "Maybe we can suit up and leave the photos home and ill walk you through the woods, crossing fingers." Turn It Well - UDD

  2. "Super rich kids with nothing but loose ends, super rich kids with nothing but fake friends. Real love, real love, im searching for real love." #nowplaying

  3. "Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on their shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer, and then you'll notice you've get their straight attention." - Se7en

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. surface


      ... Smack them with a baseball bat ...

    3. chomponthis07


      hi do u have a blog abt ur sexcapades? do u have ym? plz add me and PM ur blog if u have any, i really want to read ur blog



    4. deathgrip19


      hi,here is my number..and im interested on you.

      txt me 09179792632


  4. "We forget that stretch marks, cellulite and some stomach fat is natural. We forget that we are born human and physically can't be perfect. We forget that God doesn't make us out of plastic and silicone. We forget to be flawed."

    1. ramonalito


      I read somewhere taht somepeople might have the looks of a supermodel and the superstar lifestyle, but peel away all that glamor and beauty and you find a immensely insecure person. I'd rather have people praising one good thing about me than look down on one imperfection.

    2. wastedsunshine


      Let bygones be bygones.

  5. @allanmido241 Do I look pogier? :P

  6. @allanmido241 E kasi dapat "twistedsunshine" from bonnie bailey's song kaso the name was taken so contradicting much ang wasted - sunshine and for everyone I guess in the forum to ask 'Why the handle?' :P

  7. @allanmido241 Meh. I do think it suites me, really. :)

  8. @aquaspree kuya, sana marunong ka magbasa. :)

  9. @ashcanman I think he was referring to me becuz im planning to go to Ilocos and to other places when school's over. hehe

  10. @BuLB I have accts in some social networking sites for personal purposes. I do websites(HTML,Javascript,CSS) pag may gusto. Pagawa ka? lol

  11. @calibatodevil whut?

  12. @dgnr8 hahaha extra curricular activities for summer! :P

  13. @dgnr8 if my sched permits, let it be done. :P

  14. @dgnr8x I'm confused already on the food I should try maybe you should come along w/ me! lol What is the name of the restaurant btw? :)

  15. @dgnr8x Sweet move you got there, Mr Icebreaker. :)You break the ice too? hehe I'm doing good, survived another hell week and I can't wait for the weekend, and then 2 more weeks to go before this term is over. :) How's yours? Is that a kfc bucket? (referring to your profile pic) :P

  16. @dgnr8x that's what april fools' made for. goodluck on that, sir. :) oooh, looks bloody.

  17. @green_shadow heeeeey there! :) Im sooooo wasted when im drunk though. :P

  18. @iskander Maybe she wants to share the banana with you! :D

  19. @jedi_pimp msg sent! :)

  20. @jodhel12 meron ata. :)

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