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Posts posted by iggy112

  1. I got lucky last year.


    I was reading an article about the best chocolate in the world (based on annual review) of 2009 I think. It was Valrhona chocolates.


    While in Amsterdam airport, on the way back home I noticed that there was a Valrhona kiosk in the airport. Of course I bought a small box with what the saleslady said were the best sellers (who turned out to be a Filipina)


    And I confirm. Its really, really good.


    Normally though I like chocolates with nuts. See's is very good at this, they're my regular, more accessible favorite

  2. Anyway, the topic is value for money, and not sure if this perfectly qualifies, but Bistro Filipino in the Fort by Chef Laudico has an Eat all you can ala carte from Friday evenings till Sunday.


    If I remember it right its 799++ per head, and nearly everything on their menu is part of the promo (except adobo overload which is adobo with foie gras, and a black tiger prawn dish)


    I think this is real value for money, given that this is one of the top Filipino (modern) resto's in Metro Manila.

  3. There's a new burger place along Jupiter (going towards Edsa)


    Miss B's Tuckshop (if I remember it right).


    Its a stripped down burger (bun and a roundish burger patty only)

    Selling points are: Patty is made from grass fed beef, and stuffed in the middle of the patty (a sort of layer intended to make the experience just a little different) is braised (short ribs?) beef.


    Interestingly, my friends and I think the actual patty is better than Charlie's. But some arguments around the overall experience, since this is really a bare burger

  4. The resto Marina previously served lechon. They flew it in and served it a few times a week lang.

    I heard someone call it lechon Bisaya it was as flavorful (like lechon from Cebu) but without the salty skin

    I also saw a feature from Tablescapes where they featured lechon in Bacolod roasted with a whole chicken inside.

    Of course there's also the non traditional pritchon! (pritong lechon)


    So many to choose from, so little space in my stomach!

  5. Mistakenly referring to Tsukiji as Furusato... heard this a few times specially for the frequent eaters at Furusato


    By the way, I've tasted a few crazy makis around, though not Edsa Shang's Senju.

    I personally like Kaiseki's version at the Fort. Good balance of crunch (on the outside) and contents on the inside. Their version is not so much like California maki, but more like an Ebi Maki version with a crunchy exterior. Pretty good and it was their chef who insisted on us trying it out.

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