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Posts posted by thonetteski

  1. and they blink....



    Bishop nixes Catholic Church’s excommunication threat vs Aquino--report




    First Posted 10:32:00 10/01/2010


    Filed Under: Conflicts (general), Politics, Government, Churches (organisations)


    MANILA, Philippines – A threat by the Catholic Church to excommunicate President Benigno Aquino III if he continues to actively promote the distribution of contraceptives to Filipino couples is not true, Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales was quoted as saying Friday in a Radyo Inquirer report.


    The report said Rosales even blamed media for the controversy, saying that they merely made up the issue.


    “Gawa-gawa ng media ang issue [Media has made up the issue] and it is not true that Aquino will be excommunicated,” Rosales was quoted as saying.


    Rosales was interviewed following a concelebrated mass at the Manila Cathedral, a day after Bishop Nereo Odchimar, president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines told Radio Veritas that Aquino was courting excommunication with his present position.

  2. well, for me, i still go for the kenwood speakers - ... playing it loud most of the time - pang-bayo pa, tapus sinasabayan ko yun hip-hop ko kapitbahay sa pagpapatugtog (don't do it ng new order) at ayun.. lunod sya.. hahaha...


    btw, my kenwood speaker was bougth 20 yrs ago ( 1990) still working and playing great.. sira na nga yun main compo ko pero yun speaker buhay na buhay pa din....

  3. Singer Morrissey collapses on stage



    Agence France-Presse

    First Posted 07:22:00 10/25/2009


    Filed Under: Entertainment (general), Music


    LONDON, United Kingdom—British singer Morrissey was rushed to hospital after collapsing on stage Saturday with breathing problems, emergency services said.


    The 50-year-old former front man of 1980s pop band The Smiths fell ill while performing at the Oasis Leisure Centre in Swindon, southwest England.


    "Just after 9 o’clock p.m. we got a call to a 50-year-old man who was reported to be suffering from respiratory problems and was unconscious," said a spokeswoman for the Great Western Ambulance Service.


    "We sent a paramedic in a doubled-crewed ambulance.


    "When they arrived they found a conscious patient who was not feeling well at all. They made an initial assessment and took him to the Great Western Hospital (in Swindon) for further assessment."


    His condition was not thought to be life threatening, she added.


    The Mancunian has toured North America and Europe after releasing his ninth solo album, "Years of Refusal," in February.


    "Morrissey was brought in to the Accident and Emergency department," said a Great Western Hospital spokeswoman.

  4. Tagal ng di nakabili uli sa BM. Do they still serve Roast Beef Sandwich? Ang alam ko ni phase out na nila eh. Kung mayroon pa, how much is it nowadays?



    sad to say ala na ata sa menu nila yun all time fave natin na roast beef nila.....


    still, their patty taste the same as it was before... hindi nagbago ng timpla...


    meron na rin sila buy one plus one or two.....


    like yun junior burger nila 3 for P20.... hehehe

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