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Posts posted by shrike



    you left ...

    like the wind,

    on a cold, starless night

    leaving nothing untouched.


    you are gone ...

    and it's a reality

    taking with you everything

    evrything that means to me.


    i was not wise ...

    i should have loved you less

    i should have left something

    for memories.


    coz everytime i searched

    within my heart

    i find nothing


    only a sense of emptiness

    no trace of the love

    i once had

    for you


    only regrets.

  2. Help:

    I need to compare diff anti-spam softwares. Mapa-enterprise or personal anti-spam software yung hanap ko.

    Kung may alam kayo, please let me know.

    So far alam ko, eManager ng Trend at SpamAssasin.


    Thanks ulit!



    bro TSUTSU ketz ayaw mo ng SPAM

    e masyarap na breakfast yun with fried rice ?



  3. I CAN'T STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!! been trying to do all the things i did before...


    ang kulit niya..

    i tried ignoring him, i tried cutting the communication, i tried being rude, unreasonable... wala pa rin!!!!


    ang kulit niya!!! i told him i'm not free, nandyan pa rin siya.


    he just keeps on absorbing every rude thing i throw his way... how can i stay away? everytime i try to run he comes after me!!!


    want me to clear your pest away ? for good? as in forever ?

    pest control at your service !



    just jokin dear !




  4. z : vatican 2? worthwhile read especially if your into the illuminatti conspiracy theory. :evil: i've read vatican 1 and 2 just for kicks with this theory as a frame of mind and bro was i really vexed by the parallelisms ! :cry:


    Lord R : wanna know how many weird rizalistas are out there? check the Knights of Rizal org. last time i'v seen them is they are near the manila hotel area. rizalistas are a good source to find really trivial books and infos about rizal.


    malachi : i'm not into greek. personally, reading it the way we read it is a painstaking process, it was my obsession before just to have high marks in school (it was an 85% casualty in the class, got an A). Anabasis? i think i saw a copy in our school lib. i'll check next year. B)



  5. Profession: IT demigod

    Sr. systems analyst, Sr. DBA, network and systems

    administrator, IT security consultant, call center architect,

    technical consultant, sr. technical engr.

    Hardware : MCSE, CNA, CCNA, A+, NNCDS

    Software : MCP VB, OCP, SAP


    Age: ayaw :P

    Location: restricted

    course : BS Aeronautics

    BS Physics

    Flying School

    AB in literature

  6. shrike,


    you are one awesome intellectual, man! greek text literature kamo? frustration ko yon. e ako, hanggang Edith Hamilton lang! :lol:


    idol! :)

    lolz. bro AUTISTIC ako at may sayad.

    spent my time reading books/ listening to classics at Tomas Jefferson Lib at Buendia or if i'm in a freaky mood reading the old books in national lib in rizal park.


    i'm into technical IT books now. need more input to stay competitive in my field.



  7. never. never tried. never bothered with it.


    don't need to. i usually know what to answer in my exams kahit nde ako pumasok... most of the time common sense lang... especially math problems... ang dali... anything to do with numbers madali.


    now if i have to memorize something.. it would take me an hour to memorize a 50-page selection... siympre nde word for word... yung gist lang niya and the important details.


    you guys should try speed reading. effective for cramming... that way you don't have to cheat during exams.

    i LOVE ur brain gurl !



  8. greek ? not easy at first but it's worth the effort.

    the closest way to get the frame of mind of the author is to interpret the work in its historical context and on its own language. sometimes interpretations can not capture the original intention of the author thus the need to deconstruct the work by its native tonque.


    the best thing you can get in joining literary workshops is that you can swim into the author's mind and really be immersed in the world his/her work creates. a good literary piece stands the test of time and context but knowing the original intent of the writer is the key in understanding the piece.



  9. Any one reads ancient literature here? I read the Iliad and Odyssey every year, I usually start in September and end just before Christmas.

    ancient ?


    i used to read greek text literature back in college and write constructive criticism on ancient authors.


    sad to say i've lost touch in reading worthy books these past few years. i've still got plenty of autographed first edition copy of local authors unread.

    a cup of coffee and a smart girl could lead me back in the literary fold.

  10. OMD


    If you leave, don't leave now

    please don't take my heart away

    promise me just one more night

    then we'll go on separate ways

    with hours and time on our side but

    its fading fast

    evry second, every move, we've got to

    we've got to make it last.



    When in Rome


    i could have given my heart

    i could have given my soul

    i could have given my everything

    if you have only waited ...

    just a little while longer




  11. MORE to LOSE - Seona Dancing :P


    we used to cry about the day when one of us might fall

    weak and blinded into another's arms


    demands are gained from jealousies would flow like water

    drowning us but giving us just another lover's false alarm


    i've thought it over and it was plain to see the love u've said

    u once needed could just not come from me.


    i was tired of thinkin' that our love could change your thoughts

    of our arrangement which is really not like mine


    a thousand tortured lies have fallen wounded dying cut down by the questions

    that we've sharpened just to save our losing days.

    but us with nothing more to lose we tear our hearts with jagged truths

    and everything we've come to for so long just slipped away.


    and now its over. both of us free. but i feel colder.


    and now we're moving to new beginnings,

    but as we move we looked once behind

    to see what we might find out.

    lost loves and old thoughts of our nights are winners,

    that launched and grasped our thought wanting minds.





  12. MORE to LOSE - seona dancing


    Just a little while longer - When In Rome

    Just died in your arms tonight - cutting crew

    Always on my mind -remixed - pet shop boys

    with or without you - u2

    distance between us -fra LL

    Unguarded Moments - ?


    new wave :cool:

  13. wanted to have one.. yet... cant donate blood when needed.. i rather sacrfice this want of mine :)


    yup same reason. i donate blood yearly and when needed.


    but i find it sexy for some tsiks wen they sport a tattoo, very .... hmmmmm




  14. dear fhm,


    i've given you enough chance. now it's over. so stop whatever it is that you are doing. just stop it.


    you wanted me to leave him for you... yet you can't leave her for me...

    he and i are over now...i didn't leave him for you.. i left him for me.

    as i will leave you now.


    hope you'll have a good life. goodbye.


    take your life slow dear. life is too short to waste away on worthless people. maybe take a good clean break from serious relationships and have fun with your circle of friends.


    dolce vita.


    master your emotions and you can do anything your mind can think of !


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