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Everything posted by in_style

  1. i'm not sure if there is a thread about tax concerns (i looked and there seems to be none), so i am opening this one. i hope there are members who either work for BIR or there are finance people who are experts about the much controversial topic of taxes. it's always in the news... vat, wht, e-vat, entertainment tax and all. once in awhile, BIR comes out with news articles in the dailies explaining lengthily what these taxes are. i personally wish the explanation is brought down to simple words that can be understood by the common people. what are these taxes for? why does the rates keep on moving up? more importantly, how do we compute these taxes? before, vat was computed as 10% of the total amount. is it still the same? what about the entertainment tax? the people from television and movies pay wht and entertainment tax? i am opening this thread hoping that some good souls there can shed light to simple tax questions that we have. thanks.
  2. we have the pastry shop thread... we have the chocolates thread... we even have the go nuts thread... seems like we dont have the most famous of all the cakes - DA CHOCOLATE CAKE! maybe its the season. chocolate cakes and cookies are all over the place. just this lunch, i had one. got it from a bazaar in nbc tent. gosh, its really heavenly! whats my name again? harharhar! the hunt for the best chocolate cake is now on. share your ideas. your secret suppliers and fave cake shops. lets compare notes and share secrets! tell us how yummy and good that slice of choco cake is! (maybe we can cap this with a choco cake tasting eb! hahahaha!!!) :cool:
  3. simple... just list down five things u cant leave home without. most likely these are things that can be found inside your bag. stuff that if u forget, will still go out of your way to go back and get it. no explanations needed/required but feel free to justify if u like. they say that things u have give other people idea of who u are. your ideals... your thoughts... your lifestyle... let's see how true it is!
  4. joy.... happiness... blessings... graces... gratitude... however u wanna call it! its the stuff that makes us smile and see the world in full color. from the moment you open your eyes in the morning till the time you head for bed at nite (or vice versa), there's so much to be thankful for. this thread hopes to share our joys and bless someone with our experiences - from the simplest things like a good weather or an sms from someone special to the biggest possible events in your life like winning the lottery or havin' a baby! i am hoping that this thread will inspire each one of us. perhaps, it can help us remember that in every door that closes, a window opens. no matter how difficult times are, we will go on and come out better and stronger. inspire someone.... and be inspired too!
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