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Status Updates posted by FF

  1. there will always be people who will have more or less than you. Treat them equally with respect . Some people cant accept being less  and having less than you so ayun DV na lang ahahahahhaha  

  2. every downvote is an upvote . pag may DV may naiingit at naiinsecure. 🙂 

    1. FF


      kakasabi lang 🙂 

  3. sa mga alters! alam ko naman pong naiingit at naiinsecure na naman kayo. Oks lang I understand 🙂 

  4. landed to  the sweltering heat in Manila after  32 day sojourn to auckland, melbourne and sydney . From single digit lows to a high of  15 c the heat and  humidity comes as  a  shock to  the system. 

  5. Looks like I escaped the sweltering heat back home . 12 C in Melbourne atm and some trees are changing color. My friend Jonathan and I will be having some drinks with some pretty babes later so keeping my fingers crossed hahahahahaha. 

  6. Suspended ka na naman ! Nubayan wala kasing kadala dala 

  7. In life there will always be people who will have more or less than you. ACCEPT IT. If you feel jealousy towards what they have and insecure over what they have achieved , you will lead a life full of envy and hate. 

    This warps you my friend and changes you from the inside. You will make it your life's mission to TEAR down those you envy, hoping that they too can experience the UNHAPPINESS you live with everyday. 

    You also practice ESCAPISM to the highest levels. Unable to accept your sad fate , not only do you malign those who are better than you. You try to build a fantasy world in MTC where you are EVERYTHING you ARE NOT. 

    You were able to do it initially but your IMAGINARY world came crashing down. But instead of regretting your mistake and LEARNING from it , you TRY and TRY again . But the community and legit GMs are now wise. But you are determined. From the war of the downvotes to the war of the alters to the war anonymous to the war of deletions. YOU and YOU alone are behind ALL of this. 

    Sad. And sadder even that because of your unhappiness you make it your mission to LIE , DECIEVE and MALIGN. 

  8. wahapen my friend ?  Waiting for your battery of lawyers to come marching in. Or is that ( as usual ) an EMPTY threat?  kaya nga wa epek yang strat mo. Tagal mo nang ginagamit wala namang nangyayari. Ayun it didnt stop the abuse but just the opposite encouraged your fans to do more . 

    Ung denials mo abt being not who you are are feeble at best . Anyway magbago ka na ser! 


  9. It's really tough to be abused in MTC . You should know because you were a primary abuser  yourself ( ilang accts mo na ban ser ? ). 

    And here you are crying to the mods . Anyway magbago ka na kasi ser. Kaahit na paulit uit kang bumalik maamoy at maamoy ka rin ulit. You are so predictable in your ways , manner of speech , the use of alters. 


  10. Threatening legal action AGAIN ? Damn how many times have you threatened legal action . Sadly no one was cowed. Empty threats only generate even more ridicule my friend .

    Also citing sharing of private details ? Methinks you have a post or two or three where you are equally guilty.

    Anyway just my two cents 🙂  


  11. Man I don't know how you can even sleep at night with so much of your personal stuff on the net . Where you work , the classes you teach and yes even where you live . So much hate and enmity for you comrade. Not to say you didn't add fuel to the fire and the fact you're adding to it still. Magbago ka na senyor toupee. 

  12. The more things change the more they remain the SAME. Can you feel the hate and disgust Senyor Toupee ? Not much has changed huh ? Not mine personally but damn those you tube videos REALLY hit the spot don't they ? 

  13. salon renovation in full swing! Busy busy busy. 🙂 

    Hello to the alters and of course to my fave toupee wearing friend ! Still up to the old tricks I see ?

    The problem is many members can smell you from a mile away and have not forgotten you previous shenanigans . D ko na mabilang ilang beses na ban ang accounts mo and alters sa MTC .

    Magbago ka na ser ! Life is too short. Also the glory days where Kid Fighter reigned supreme is in the PAST.  

  14. Busy busy busy. Just bought a beauty salon ! Now renovating and reconstructing . Hello to my devoted followers / alters pala . 🙂  

  15. trending ka pa rin kaibigan . Iba na ang sikat !

  16. sikat na sikat ka talaga kaibigan ! Opened my feeds and there you are again ! 

    oonp hello sa mga alters !

    enjoy the infamy my friend . Pretty much sure you're getting off on this. Good luck facing your next class as am pretty sure excited ang students mo dahil internet sensation ka and well qualified to teach ethics and religion ! 



    just sharing a link . I'd be worried if I were you. Honestly . 

    1. FF


      Glad to be of help . 😉 Deleted agad noh ? 🙂 

  18. such well written FRs on TVS. Sounds familiar ? Sayang wala nang awards noh ? ahahahahahahahaha. 

  19. thank you marnel for the incessant visits. showing off your army of alts doesnt scare me any hahahahaha

  20. btw your habit of creating dummy accounts here and in FB to heap praise on yourself is so pitiful is it not ? 

  21. I had to look up "groomer" comrade. 🙂 

    anyway masipag ka sa FB and as usual the empty threats of NBI , lawsuits etc. You are soooooo predictable . 🙂 

  22. ganyan na ba kawalang halaga ang buhay mo ? 

  23. kahit sa reddit posters are ridiculing you. and btw your toupee is horrible . 🙂 

  24. Trending ka sa FB ! Sikat ! 

  25. hello peeps alters and other mtc members ! I am well and  happy. Sana kayo rin . Lurker mode na lang having retired na from the usual " grind" of my erstwhile MTC adventures. Ahahahahahaha.

    Back to teaching grad school and travelling in between. Busy managing investments , visiting friends and family far ( sometimes very very far 🙂 ) and near. 

    Marnel how are you na ? Still here ? Still up with the "old tricks ?" How's the alter gang ? Go forth and multiply ba ? Noticed that the FR thread is full of positive FRS . Nicely written comrade. 🙂 And as usual daming affirmations. 🙂 

    I hope you are happy comrade. Sincerely .  

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