The boring, true but unhelpful answer is: eat less than you burn. Calories matter, and you must eat at a deficit to lose actual tissue. It's unfortunately necessary to add this "disclaimer" because so many people lack this info, or worse, were misled to believe that a phenomenon observed by a huge body (heh) of scientific studies on humans over decades was unproven.
Okay. Now we're on the same page. The practical advice is just what strategy to pick so that you create that deficit (e.g. -500kcal/day to lose 1lb/wk) while avoiding getting too hungry or low energy. This is where one must test what works for them. Could be a huge shift in eating habits, like low carb or fasting. It could be a simple "no snacks" or "swap Coke with Coke Zero". In general, higher protein, higher volume, and more fibrous foods all fill you up a ton for the calories, so prefer those foods when you can.
Good luck to my fellow overfat peeps on their fat loss goals.
P.S.: lift weights while losing weight, otherwise you'll just get skinny fat.