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  1. 35th POST DONE! YES!!! Finally the secret thread is open to me!!!! Open Sesame Babeee! Hahahahaha!
  2. Wine with the ladies. Whisky Single Malt with the gents. Beer with the boys.
  3. +1 for Aysee and Aling Lucing. Trelli's used to be good...
  4. One lang. Was forced to have one years ago due to work and hobby. I recently deleted the FB app from my phone. Interestingly, I still get notifications on my phone.
  5. Tarug

    Oldies But Goodies

    Old rock is the best rock. Hail LED ZEPPELIN!
  6. The first car that I actually owned was a 1st gen Ford Everest way back in 2004. It was a manual 4WD with a 2.5 Liter Turbocharged diesel engine. Not the fastest nor the the most luxurious drive. But it was reliable and a workhorse. Previous to that I was usually assigned a company car service. So when I had the option to upgrade and own my assigned vehicle, I opted for a 4WD SUV that fits the budget given. It was a workhorse and never did give me any problems. It actually got me out of some sticky situations a couple of times (ie. a friends BMW 3 got stuck in sand and I pulled him out, another instance was it got us safely out of a muddy farm). The only thing that gave out in the end was the turbo unit which started leaking. Aside from that, it literally brought me all over Luzon. I was so sad to finally let it go. One day, maybe I'll get a chance to get it back.
  7. A pair of labradors. Male Choco and Black Female.
  8. Road trip, especially long drive out of town, MANUAL. City traffic, MATIC.
  9. Any recommended hotels or bnb in Tokyo? Grupo kami, 5 pax.
  10. Body of Daniel Craig when I get to the ripe age of 50.
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