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About BrosTayoDito

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  1. Funny Questions to Ask Your Crush

    Sometimes the best way to win over someone is by making them laugh. If that's your aim, here are the best funny questions to ask your crush.

    1. What's your best joke?
    2. Would you rather have toes for fingers, or fingers for toes?
    3. If you were a cookie, what kind of cookie would you be?
    4. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
    5. What's your biggest fashion regret?
    6. How would you prepare for the zombie apocalypse?
    7. What superpower would you want to have?
    8. What was your first AIM username?
    9. What's the most bizarre fun fact you know?
    10. If you could do anything right now with no judgment, what would it be?
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