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  1. Good Questions to Ask Your Crush

    Starting a conversation with your crush doesn't have to be hard — it's really as easy as just sending them a few thought-starters like below. Here are some good questions to ask your crush to get the conversation rolling.

    1. What do you consider to be your life's purpose?
    2. What's the best advice you've ever received?
    3. What's your proudest accomplishment?
    4. What do you like most about yourself?
    5. What's your favorite quality in a person?
    6. When did you meet your best friend?
    7. If you could go back and do a year of your life over, would you? What year?
    8. If you could go back in time to observe (without changing) any historical event, what would you choose?
    9. What do you do when you really need to relax?
    10. What was the best gift you've ever received? The best gift you've ever given?
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