Sultan FR. patron ako nito mula 2022- to early 2024
1. Rose (MILF)
-malaman, big melons and nips and maputi. YMMV
- MV: 8/10 with dukot FV: 7/10
2. Nikki (MILF)
- same with rose but pink nips. YMMv
- MV: 7/10 FV: 7/10
3. Elaine (MILF)
- medium melons, but superb mic skills. CIM/69 YMMV
-MV: 8/10 with dukot FV: 6-7/10
4. Weng (MILF)
-slim type with melons to die for. YMMV. Wala reklamo type kasi ako.
-MV: 9/10 with dukot FV: 8/10
5. Angie. (MILF)
- slim type with melons. YMMV.negotiate ES medj mahal
-MV: 7/10 FV:6/10
Sexret ko na hidden gem sa taytay. PM nalang palitan tayo mga mature/tita/milfs theras