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Posts posted by camus

  1. I really liked this series... But now it's starting to bore me. I hope the writers give it a new twist to make it interesting again.


    Lately it's the same plot over and over. The group builds a stable community, they meet an enemy group that destroys everything, they go to a different place to rebuild and start over. Then they meet another enemy group, etc etc.

  2. Mga braders, pls help. I'm looking for short time stay in qc, in particular sm north edsa or west ave. Hotel, motel, or apartelle, any is fine, basta should have short time 3 hours.


    I know there's a sogo in that area (edsa across trinoma) but it's min 12 hours. that's too long and too expensive for me.

  3. got a question...i have a citibank gold card for both master and visa in manila and i will soon be relocated to our office in singapore...is there a way that citibank can issue me a singapore-based citibank credit card? i do not wish to use my manila-based credit card..talo sa exchange rate kasi....thanx in advance...

  4. sir maraming salamat... btw can u suggest a good urologist? san clinic/hospital? thnx ulit sir...


    i know you should also do a sperm culture...if you have problems finding a uroligist, i know an ob-gyne can help you as well in interpreting the results....

  5. got a question about waterproofing...i manage a 4-storey building and the firewall has some seepage when it rains...our neighbor is just a house, so it hits it directly....what is the best methodology form for waterproofing? initially they will all look for cracks and treat with epoxy and scrap / remove any flaky paints...but then after which it differs a little..this is where i need you expertise...is elastomeric paint enough or should i consider other form and if there are such better alternatives?


    another, i also have water seeping into from the floor..i think it is from my terrace...what do you think and best form to treat it...thanx...

  6. i graduated from AIM a few years back..it was still called MBM, i think they now renamed it mba....before taking up mba, i suggest its best to understand the real reason behind it...is it for career advancement, switchning industries, for reputation (maybe you have a lousy college degree from a lousy school), or simply the love of learning....


    i say this because when choosing the school, that should only be your reason and nothing else....because in reality, the best mba schools might not actually open doors for you to switch careers or give you a instant promotion the moment you graduate....


    i, for one chose AIM because of career advancement...and i must say it really did...opened many doors for me and currently i am very happy at where i am at....but pls remember, it opens the door but you have to work it to keep it open and swinging (being pirated to other firms with better pay, of course)...the more your school is known they expect more, becasue they pay you more....and in turn, you get stressed out more...get the drift....


    so think wisely before you decide which school because if not, you could be wasting your hard-earned money and definitely your precious time....


    if i had money i would have applied to the ivy leagues, because i knew what i wanted from the begining and i also knew the sacrifices it required....


    dont just jump on the bandwagon, think, think and think once more, before you decide which school....


    to cut this short, for mba in manila, AIM (for career advancement for local and asean region only), but for education others such as la salle and ateneo will suffice....

  7. just a question...had my motorola k1 checked due to the battery problem...ang bilis ma-drain...when i brought to memoexpress, according to them after being checked by the technician ok naman ang battery..which i can confirm because ginamit ko siya in my other motorola, ok namna...then they said it baka sa programming....kailangan daw i-reprogram...i am not an expert but does this make sense....well, they said they did and ok na daw...

  8. i see a reason why philippine banks suck in service..it is because the small regular depositors are not given importance and that we are not a customer service demanding country....when and if the big clients come, they go directly to the branch manager and just chit-chat while they process whatever he may needs, so need to complain...but when his messenger comes and takes forever, he doesnt complain one bit to the branch manager because he does not personally experiences it...


    i have one very good suggestions to the senior (executive) level bosses of any banks in the philippines...go and try to transact with your branch as if you are a messenger or a individual depositor who has no personal relationship with the tellers (which i believe are the majority), then i am sure something will get done.....

  9. are there anyone from motorola or memoexpress here? i recently complained about my purchase of razr v3i battery life, so i decided to buy k1 instead...but it seems that it also has a problme...the stand-by time is only 48 days....i know it to be longer....

  10. no wonder many of us want to migrate...if you read this thread, you will indeed get tempted....i believe whats more essential is the savings than the take-home amount of the salary...


    here is my question to esp. people wokring in canada, US or australia (bec i am planning to migrate), what is the precentage of your monthly saving as to your salary?


    i save close to 50% of my salary in the philippines, due to the fact that i dont pay rent and other expenses....


    sorry if others may conisder this OT...

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