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Posts posted by vincent_o3

  1. first ill ask my girlfriend if shes paying attention to this guy and askk her who is this guy and how did they met. if i know shes doing something so this guy would leave her alone ill let her handle it, but if he keeps bugging her and she complains about it ill talk to the guy, and confront him. just like what happened to me. my gf exbf kepps calling her at night, and she complains about it, and one night i sleep over to their house, this guy called, im the one who speak to this guy, i ask him what is his problem, he said that he wanted to talk to her, and i said she dont want to talk to him anymore, and i ask him to leave my gf alone and stop mcalling her. we argue but after that the guy dont call my gf as often as before and now he doesnt call anymore B)

  2. it is possible, if you really love the girl not for her looks or you want her in bed, you love her because she makes you happy every time you are with her. and if you really respect her, then it is possible. but lets face it we are men and we are tempted,but if she says no and you respect her you wont force it anymore. and i know a friend with a two year relationship they didnt do it, and the girl is still a virgin up to now. B) B) B)

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