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Posts posted by silverboy123



    In the ocean of my mind, thoughts of her sway like a calm wave. With every moment, she captivates my mind and fills my heart with awe and wonder. How can a person be so beautiful and perfect in every single way? She is the queen of this great ocean of my mind.


    In the ocean of my mind, she swims to the deepest depths. I go after her until I'm lost in her world. Her glittering scales, gleaming in the sunlight. Her dazzling eyes light up my soul. Like soft echoes across my mind, I hear her voice in my dreams.


    In the ocean of my mind, I wonder what stories she has to tell. Tales of secrets she keeps hidden in the depths of the sea. Does she know of the wonders that lie beneath the waves? Does she know she is a wonder that I will cherish with all that I have?


    In the ocean of my mind, many thoughts of her fill my day until I find myself lost in her enchanting world. Yes, I know that I have found a rare treasure within the ocean's hold. She is a sight to behold. Elegant and marvelous in every way.


    In the ocean of my mind, a beauty dwells therein. A wonder to behold that fills my heart with joy and pride. She is the mermaid of my dreams. She is the special one for me. Yes, in this great ocean of my mind, she is the queen that rules it all.



    I love the world under the sea

    Full of creatures, so wild and free,

    From within the deep, they arise

    With beauty that can mesmerize.


    So many fishes, both small and great

    My love for them has no debate.

    But there's one that stands apart,

    With a grace that tames my heart.


    Mermaids, creatures so bold and smart

    Their loving charm captures my heart.

    Their glittering scales, a sight to behold

    A rare treasure within the ocean's hold


    When they swim and flick their tails,

    And sing a myriad of underwater tales

    I am enthralled by their loving lullaby, 

    Their elegance is one thing I can't deny


    Yes, I love the world under the sea

    Full of creatures, both wild and free.

    But one creature remains special to me.

    Lost in their sight, that's where I'll be.

  3. As I strolled the shoreline the other day, I watched as the smattering of fishermen were spread about the dock all trying to capitalize on early morning “good fishing”, and as I watched them I couldn’t but have my mind going back to thoughts of you. To be honest, you do capitalize most of my thoughts regardless as most things remind me of you, so why would this be any different. That’s the thing about a crush, right? They take priority over all your other thoughts. Anyway, back to the fishing. I was watching these fishermen do their thing and I thought how while there may be plenty of fish in the sea as they say, there usually is that one that stands out above all others. That has the sunlight reflect off their colorful scales and illuminate all that’s around them. Well Crush of mine, you are in fact that fish and by far this man’s favorite. You clearly are dominating my thoughts and I can tell I play a major part in yours. I can tell through your words that you’ve figured me out. You understand what makes me tick. Where once I had walls placed around my heart to protect it, you came in with a sledgehammer and knocked them down. I appreciate how you and I can carry on for hours which makes my fond feelings for you grow exponentially with every tick of the clock.


    I can tell through your lovely words that you feel me as the feeling inside of us keeps building. I can tell it’s growing and will continue to do so as all good things have that tendency. Trust when I say that you and I are a good thing. Through our chats I know deep within my soul that as we progress, I’ll never be losing, I’ve won every time. Getting to know you has given me that big winner feeling. That’s definite. Vibing out to you just makes me feel too human. That’s what we all want in life right? To find that perfect human in life that gives us that butterfly in the stomach feeling. Well, I just checked, and yes, my stomach is feeling tingly. 


    All I want is to get on your level as you make me feel special, and I know there’s a reciprocal feeling there as you must know how special I want to make you feel. Of all the things that I’m rapidly growing to admire and appreciate about you, it is your wonderful philosophy to “live life like it’s practice”. I go through the motions in my daily, when in reality I’d rather be talking to you. So, when I see something that reminds me of you (which is damn near everything), I check out, and go back to the dream and the dreamily. Back to the who that I’m speaking to. It’s you, you are the who I’d rather be speaking to.


    Well, I just wanted to put pen to page and express what I had going on in my head. Daily I am growing fonder of you then I had thought possible. I had those walls up, remember? With them out of the way I now see that there is really nothing in our way. I look forward with great anticipation to see what we will grow into. I know where I want it to end up, but let’s take things as they come and let the chips fall as they may. Let the Universe blaze the path for us and guide us in the right direction. 

    P.S. I’m going to go practice playing the Mayonnaise while I wait to hear from you

  4. Nobody move there’s blood on the floor! And I can’t find my heart. Where did it go? Did I leave in the cold? So please give it back coz it’s not yours to take. It must have fell when I lost my mind. Deep in the cut, drowning in its pain. Somebody help because I can’t find my way. Nobody move, nobody move!

    Somebody tell me how I’m supposed to feel? When I am sitting here knowing this ain't real. Why in the world would I give my heart to you? Just to see you throw it in the trash. I’ve been traveling so long, I dont think I can hold on. Where were you when I needed you the most? Now I’m sitting here with a black hole in my chest. A heartless, broken mess….

  5. Hi Crush,


    I hope this letter finds you well and you’re not too swamped today or having to make an Ad campaign for coffee or having ACTUAL coffee there to make you dizzy. There’s an idea though, if I was in town, you could say you were dizzy and not feeling well, and we could play hooky. That’d be fun right? Maybe a day trip to Sea World?  I’m just sitting here gazing at your profile and my mind is traveling across the country as its thoughts are focused on you. I look out the window at picturesque San Diego and imagine the bad weather you’re suffering through in Missouri (I’ve heard Midwest winters are no joke). Nothing would make me happier than if I could be there with you to help warm you up. Or if you were here, I’d be able to share the calming effect I get from staring at my fish tanks.


    Who would have ever thought that although separated by thousands of miles our lives would still find a way into each other’s story. Got to love the old internet, right? For without it, we might never have met. Although that might not be the case. I feel if two spirits are meant to meet, and the magnetic pull between them is strong enough, then the Universe will undoubtedly provide a way for them to meet. Thank you, Universe. I truly feel its kismet that we have found each other.


    For so long I felt maybe meeting someone like you just wasn’t in the cards for me. I felt closed off to the idea of EVER meeting someone. Much less someone that could make me feel the way you do. Your words on the screen have given me so much insight into your Beautiful Mind, and I love the fact that we are getting to know each other organically as we slowly build to a (hopefully eventual) three-dimensional meeting. Until then though, I find myself becoming more enamored with you as every layer I peel back I see more of your personality that shines brightly through your lovely words. The deeper I dive into what makes up your personality, the more I don’t want to come up for air.


    I fantasize being able to look deep within your eyes as you look back at mine and I am filled with that feeling of being splashed in the face with ice water.  I just am beyond happy to have met you and will be exhilarated reading your wonderful words every day as I get more into you. To be honest, it’s the highlight of my day.  Some might get agitated having to wait 24 hours to write back, but not I. Instead, I get filled with eager anticipation having to wait. It’s like counting down the days to a movie release or not being able to sleep on Xmas Eve due to anticipation. I hope this letter fills you with the same amount of happiness I experienced while composing it.


    Sincerely with appreciation and respect,

    Atom Ant


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  6. Great feel good song! Artist is formerly known as June Marieezy, Filipina who married this French house DJ named FKJ(Fresh Kiwi Juice) who made the beat of the song. He is also in the background playing the piano. 

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