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by Mark MacDonald 12.15.2005


The hard facts on Metal Gear Solid 4 are scarce. Kojima himself has instituted a media blackout on new MGS4 material and info until E3 of 2006, presumably to lay low until he unveils -- in typical Kojima fashion -- his next demo/trailer that will surely blow our minds. To bring everyone up to speed until such time, we've assembled every clue he's uttered so far, into one convenient location, so that conspiracy theorists can connect dot A to point B and so forth, and make educated guesses about where the series will go. Of course, there's more to learn, from Kojima himself, in our interview with him this Friday. So now's the time to brush up, and come back tomorrow for Saving Private Raiden: An interview with Hideo Kojima.


NOTE: This is information gathered from various interviews with MGS mastermind Hideo Kojima -- all quotes are from Mr. Kojima with the original sources noted after the quote.





The theme of MGS4 is "no place to hide," but it will still be a stealth game. "The concept behind 'no place to hide' is that...there is no safety zone. According to the environment, things will always be changing, and there might be conditions where there literally is nowhere to hide."(1) Kojima has hinted in interviews and the first trailer that one aspect of the game may be destructible environments-you might be able to hide behind a wall but an enemy could always blow that wall apart.


The plan is to make the game's overall world more interactive and realistic than ever. "I want to create [a] kind of simulation world. [For example, in most games you have a tree but it's basically a piece of plastic; a set piece.] There should be life in that tree. If we water the tree it will grow, if we burn the tree it will die."(2)


Kojima has implied that you will be able to drive vehicles for the first time in the series. "We will try to make Snake control anything that's possible."(4)


There will be a "psychological aspect" to the game. "There is an intense fear when you point a gun at someone. I want to represent that in MGS4...that's what real combat is all about." Kojima plans on consulting a real psychologist in order to flesh out this aspect.(1) He also says that the A.I. will be so realistic-so much like playing against other real people-that using psychology against them will be crucial.(2) The bad guys will use it against you, too; Kojima gave an example of the new Metal Gear robots (in the second MGS4 trailer) emitting various peaceful countryside noises (including cicada, horse, and cow noises) to lull the player into a false sense of ease before attacking.(2)


Not all characters in MGS4 will be enemies. You may step into a battlefield between two foreign powers-depending on your actions or whom you k*ll, you can make friends or enemies with one or both countries (and thus their soldiers in the battlefield). What you do in one stage can also affect later stages of the game; if you help one country defeat another in a level, the defeated country may not be around in the next mission. There will also be innocent people not directly involved in the conflict in the war zone.(1)


The MGS4 team is planning to include a feature that allows you to control Otacon's robot to scout ahead, although it may not happen if the team decides it doesn't work well.(4)


The Close Quarters Combat (or CQC) system from MGS3 will return in some form in the game.(4)


But as for the healing, hunting, and camouflage systems from MGS3, "Some of them might carry on into MGS4, but since the theme is battlefield, we might implement them differently," says Kojima. "We will try to create a system that is best suited for that battlefield. There's bullets flying around everywhere, so you don't have time to go hunting for a frog to eat."




There will be an online aspect to MGS4, and "[it] will not be restricted to eight players" says Kojima, referring to MGS3: Subsistence's eight-player max for multiplayer battle modes.(2)




MGS4 takes place roughly 10 years after MGS2 (which took place in 2007 and in 2009).(2)


The plot will not be presented in the same way as it has in previous MGS games. "We won't create [the story] in the same way: cinema, action, cinema. I want the action to be less localized, for events to occur across large areas...I want to utilize the environment itself to tell the story line."(1)


Like previous games, MGS4 will use in-game graphics for the cutscenes so there will be no difference between gameplay visuals and the cinematics. However, Kojima says more of the story will be told through scripted events and voiceovers during gameplay rather than non-interactive movies.(2)


Kojima is interested in exploring "the concept of the substitution of war." For example, countries having robots do their fighting for them, or hiring mercenaries to fight their enemies, some of who could originally be from the same country as the soldiers they are fighting against.(2)


"MGS4 will not be based on a specific location; we just call it 'the battlefield,'" says Kojima. "It's any location where war is raging, many different situations, and many different countries." Kojima plans on "going near fighting" in real-world wars to get inspiration for the game. "I'm worried that some of my team might suffer some serious mental damage," he says, "and be unable to return to the real world."




Snakes' hair is actually physics-driven. His moustache alone contains the same number of polygons as an enemy in MGS3.(3) The game also uses self-shadowing and HDR lighting techniques to appear more realistic. Various color filter effects were overlayed on to the second trailer to make the footage look more like real film.


The second MGS4 trailer was generated in real time, not pre-rendered. Kojima proved this during the Tokyo Game Show by showing the demo again, pausing it, and changing the camera angle and lighting on the fly.(3)




An older version of MGS hero Solid Snake is MGS4's main character. He looks older now due to the passage of time and the imperfect technology that was used to clone him from super-soldier Big Boss (the hero of MGS3). His moustache and hard-bitten old-timer look was inspired by actor Lee Van Cleef. His special electronic eye patch (named the Solid Eye) features a radar as well as thermal and night vision (and possibly other features).(1) He still smokes, and appears to have some kind of serious medical problem (that causes his seizure in the second trailer).


Snake's helpful scientist buddy Hal Emmerich (a.k.a. Otacon) returns in MGS4 as well. The two banded together after MGS1 and formed a group called "Philanthropy" to try and stop the proliferation of Metal Gear weapons throughout the world. (Judging by all the robots seen stomping around in the MGS4 trailer, they aren't doing so well so far.) In the footage we've seen, Otacon doesn't appear in person but his image is beamed to a small robot that accompanies Snake on the battlefield. Otacon himself is in a "safe place" outside the town Snake is fighting in.(3)


Raiden is back, appearing in official artwork holding a baby. Fans have hated the longhaired blond soldier ever since he infamously replaced Solid Snake as the hero in MGS2. He's been the butt of many jokes (many from Kojima himself in MGS3), but now Kojima says, "After you finish MGS4, you're going to like Raiden very much."(5)


Handlebar-mustached villain Revolver Ocelot has also appeared in press materials. While it's seemed like Ocelot worked for different sides or countries in previous MGS games, in truth he's always been a tool of The Patriots (see below). However, since he had Snake's cloned "brother" Liquid Snake's hand grafted on to his right arm after MGS1, at times Liquid's personality appears to take control of Ocelot. He was last seen (last in terms of the series' overall storyline) sailing off in a Metal Gear Ray weapon at the end of MGS2.


The bisexual vampire Vamp, who we last saw getting shot in the head as a boss enemy near the middle of MGS2, will apparently return in MGS4.


Meryl Silverberg, Snake's old love interest from the original MGS, looks to be alive and well in MGS4. (So if you got the optional ending in MGS1 where she died you'll need to play that game over again.)


The Patriots are a mysterious secret cabal that controls the U.S. government. "Very few are aware of their existence, even those with codeword clearance," U.S. President Johnson explained in MGS2. "Politics, the military, the economy. They control it all. They even choose who becomes President. The Patriots rule [America]." They have been involved in various degrees behind the scenes in all three previous MGS games.


Hideo Kojima's role:


Mr. Kojima is co-producing and co-directing MGS4 (along with Shuyou Murata, who wroked on Zone of the Enders and previous MGS games). "It's a totally new way of producing MGS," he says.(1) Kojima had only planned on producing, but he was convinced by his staff and fan reaction to direct again. He says he will not direct the next game (but then he said the same thing before MGS3 and MGS4).(2)



(1) Electronic Gaming Monthly interview

(2) Game Informer interview

(3) Tokyo Game Show presentation

(4) PSM interview

(5) Official PlayStation Magazine interview

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Ano na news dito? :D


snake: war has changed. our time has ended...our war is over


campbell: since the manhattan incident, restrictions on military intervention in foreign countries have eased, fueling the demand for mercenaries. today, the world's wars depend largely on PMCs, private military companies whose business includes supplying these mercenaries. PMCs have become a serious threat to the world.


snake: the U.S. has exported too much military power. now she's paying the price.


campbell: in total, they've got enough manpower to rival the U.S. military. based on our investigation, the five largest PMCs are run by a dummy corporation which acts as a single mother company.


snake: and the mother company?


campbell: outer heaven.


snake: the one world in which soldiers will always have a place....




um, 2007 release....


...last mission na raw ni snake (has 6 months to live as of his mission sa middle east)...


...astig si raiden (mukhang siya na ang papalit, if ever mamatay si snake)

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MetalGear Will be part of Nintendo Wii ..


to help you decide




MetalGear with be part of Wii now



nintendo Wii is a lot better than PS3..


thug, wala yung mga links...sa youtube, malformed id daw..tapos yung sa nwiizone, wala rin, pero nakapunta ako sa site....


ang alam ko si snake kasali lang sa super smash bros. na game for the wii, wala pa akong narining/nasagap na balita na magkakaroon ng MGS game for the wii....kung meron man, matgal pa yun, kasi i think super busy siya (mr. hideo kojima) with MGS4 at MGO(metal gear online).....




may bagong trailer MGS4 ah...pinalabas sa LGS 2006, wala nga lang si snake dun.... ^_^

Edited by paupawie
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thug, wala yung mga links...sa youtube, malformed id daw..tapos yung sa nwiizone, wala rin, pero nakapunta ako sa site....


ang alam ko si snake kasali lang sa super smash bros. na game for the wii, wala pa akong narining/nasagap na balita na magkakaroon ng MGS game for the wii....kung meron man, matgal pa yun, kasi i think super busy siya (mr. hideo kojima) with MGS4 at MGO(metal gear online).....




may bagong trailer MGS4 ah...pinalabas sa LGS 2006, wala nga lang si snake dun.... ^_^



google mo na lang ito "nintendo wii metalgear"


Hideo Kojima wants to run away from MGS4 to work for Wii


In a interview for CVG Hideo Kojima told that he would like to run away from Metal Gear Solid 4 creation and create something for the Wii.


this is the part of the of teh interview:


CVG: What are your impressions of Nintendo Wii and how did Snake appear in Smash Brothers?


Kojima: I’ve played Tennis, Zelda and Mario on Wii. I find Tennis very interesting. I played the early version but the E3 version is far more advanced. As a game designer, I’m very interested in creating something for the Wii. I’d like to run away from MGS 4 creation and create something for the Wii but unfortunately, I don’t have anything that I can announce at the moment. I have lots of ideas for Wii but I have a heavy schedule with MGS 4 and Metal Gear Online. Concerning Snake’s appearance on Wii in Smash Brothers, I’m friends with the designer of the game and I thought it would be nice if you could play as Snake - when I heard about the new game last year, I contacted the designer and we started working together.






with the advanced motion sensor contoller of Nintendo Wii on Metalgear.. wow.. realistic na yun ah.. baka pag dadapa si Snake dapat dadapa ka din mismo sa sahig ng bahay nyo hahaha!


good workout yun! yahoo!!

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google mo na lang ito "nintendo wii metalgear"


Hideo Kojima wants to run away from MGS4 to work for Wii


In a interview for CVG Hideo Kojima told that he would like to run away from Metal Gear Solid 4 creation and create something for the Wii.


this is the part of the of teh interview:


CVG: What are your impressions of Nintendo Wii and how did Snake appear in Smash Brothers?


Kojima: I’ve played Tennis, Zelda and Mario on Wii. I find Tennis very interesting. I played the early version but the E3 version is far more advanced. As a game designer, I’m very interested in creating something for the Wii. I’d like to run away from MGS 4 creation and create something for the Wii but unfortunately, I don’t have anything that I can announce at the moment. I have lots of ideas for Wii but I have a heavy schedule with MGS 4 and Metal Gear Online. Concerning Snake’s appearance on Wii in Smash Brothers, I’m friends with the designer of the game and I thought it would be nice if you could play as Snake - when I heard about the new game last year, I contacted the designer and we started working together.



with the advanced motion sensor contoller of Nintendo Wii on Metalgear.. wow.. realistic na yun ah.. baka pag dadapa si Snake dapat dadapa ka din mismo sa sahig ng bahay nyo hahaha!


good workout yun! yahoo!!



hehehe! pareho tayong napuntahang site kapatid na thug! nong una ka nag-post na magkakaroon ng project si hideo sa wii, hinanap ko kaagad! ^_^ ....pero dun ako mismo napadpad sa cvg na site, hindi sa wii zone....


pero hmmmmm, sabi nga niya super busy siya sa MGS4, kaya baka matagalan pa para sa wii....pero ok din na merong MGS sa wii...i mean, lahat ng consoles merong MGS (iba remakes - like TTS sa GC, ang alam ko meron sa lumang XBOX pero walang dinagdag dun....at DS wala pang MGS game....)...nakapagrequest siya na ilagay si snake sa smash bros., so i think it's a sign that hideo will have projects/games for the wii.... ^_^

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hehehe! pareho tayong napuntahang site kapatid na thug! nong una ka nag-post na magkakaroon ng project si hideo sa wii, hinanap ko kaagad! ^_^ ....pero dun ako mismo napadpad sa cvg na site, hindi sa wii zone....


pero hmmmmm, sabi nga niya super busy siya sa MGS4, kaya baka matagalan pa para sa wii....pero ok din na merong MGS sa wii...i mean, lahat ng consoles merong MGS (iba remakes - like TTS sa GC, ang alam ko meron sa lumang XBOX pero walang dinagdag dun....at DS wala pang MGS game....)...nakapagrequest siya na ilagay si snake sa smash bros., so i think it's a sign that hideo will have projects/games for the wii.... ^_^


mas gusto nyA yung MGS to be developed for Wii naka commit lang sya sa Sony..


read the quote "I’d like to RUN AWAY from MGS 4 creation and create something for the Wii but "


siguro may kontrata sya sa Sony...


pero mas bilib sya sa capability ng Wii

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mas gusto nyA yung MGS to be developed for Wii naka commit lang sya sa Sony..


read the quote "I’d like to RUN AWAY from MGS 4 creation and create something for the Wii but "


siguro may kontrata sya sa Sony...


pero mas bilib sya sa capability ng Wii



...but here's an article the day before ng article na nahanap natin:


No Metal Gear for Xbox 360 or Wii

Thursday 11-May-2006 5:53 PM Kojima says MGS is a PlayStation game


The Metal Gear mastermind has new plans for Nintendo and Microsoft consoles.


Hideo Kojima today announced that he considered the Metal Gear Solid series to be 'made for for PlayStation platform'.


Kojima Productions will be working on Wii and Xbox 360 titles but, crucially, they won't be featuring Solid Snake. "If I was going to do a game on Wii or Xbox 360, I would do a completely different game - not Metal Gear Solid" said Kojima.


Kojima also went on to say that MGS 4 will have important online elements and will use the motion sensing properties of the Dual Shock 3 pad. Taking a swipe at pre rendered PS3 demos currently doing the rounds at E3, Kojima confirmed that the new MGS4 trailer is completely real time "one thing I want you to know is that these cinematics are done in real time on the demo kit".


CVG will have a feature length Kojima interview tomorrow.




siguro nga may contract....diba sabi nga niya, last MGS game na niya to..si snake ay siya. tumatanda na siya kaya pinatanda niya rin si snake...parang pass the torch na to somebody else who will make/direct another MGS game for the future PS consoles...kapag natapos na niya yung MGS4, expect natin na he'll create a game for the wii....exciting! pero nakakainip! waaah!!...malamang above the rest yun...we don't know what's in his head. yung sa GBA nga e, yung Boktai, astig!...with wii and the 'super-astig' na controller, malamang hit yun!.... ^_^


hmmmm, if ever magkaroon ng MGS game for wii, tipong parallel universe; parang Ac!d sa PSP....either way, start ipon na for two consoles! ^_^ i'm a hideo fan! he's a genius! ^_^

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The reason why MGS4 wouldn't be available for other consoles is because of the medium. It will use the full capability of the Blu-Ray for its cinematics & pre-rendered backgrounds. Have you seen the latest trailer from LGC show? See how realistic those cinematics are. You would need a LOT of space to put that into a medium...say DVD? I would take several dics for that. In the end, PS3 will still be on top. Wii on a distant second...and Xbox360 farther behind. :lol:

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The reason why MGS4 wouldn't be available for other consoles is because of the medium. It will use the full capability of the Blu-Ray for its cinematics & pre-rendered backgrounds. Have you seen the latest trailer from LGC show? See how realistic those cinematics are. You would need a LOT of space to put that into a medium...say DVD? I would take several dics for that. In the end, PS3 will still be on top. Wii on a distant second...and Xbox360 farther behind. :lol:



...you have a point brian! oo nga naman, sobrang astig ng graphics ng MGS4, baka hindi kasya kung sa DVD na disc ilalagay.... at yun nga, si mr. hideo, sinasagad niya yung capabilities ng isang console, as we have seen in the past........saw the LGC MGS4 trailer...no Snake, but the sequences are great!...the Metal Gears were so dominant in the clip....hmmmm, but raiden can take them out in an instant! :lol:

Edited by paupawie
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And...this will be Solid "Old" Snake's outing. Who knows who'll succeed him...maybe Raiden? :D


We've seen how cool Raiden is from the official trailer.


Like what Kojima said, after you've played MGS4...you'll love Raiden. ;)


Can't wait till this is released. :cool:

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And...this will be Solid "Old" Snake's outing. Who knows who'll succeed him...maybe Raiden? :D


We've seen how cool Raiden is from the official trailer.


Like what Kojima said, after you've played MGS4...you'll love Raiden. ;)


Can't wait till this is released. :cool:


yup! i read that quote too...i just forgot what article... ^_^ ...hmmm, pass the torch to raiden, perhaps...hehehe....


arrrrgh, nakakainip maghintay! ^_^

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Guys ask ko lang ha i know its kinda O.T. pero

saan napunta Original na anak ni Big Boss kay EVA?


hmmmm.....ang alam ko, walang anak si big boss kay eva. pero ang alam ko, ginamit yung dna ni big boss sa les enfants terribles project, in which 3 yung nagawa, or whould we say - offspring ni big boss - si solidus snake, si liquid snake, at si solid snake... ^_^


...ang alam ko lang kung sino yung may anak ay si the boss e....

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