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What Is Your Sport?


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ive been competitive in tons of sports. from golf to arnis, volleyball to dancesport. in the end i have one recommendation on what sport is most holistic.


table tennis.



cheaper, less real estate requirement, many players (if you know where to find), high intensity sport that can make you really burn calories and tax your cardio to the limit, can easily be prolonged coz' its NOT BORING :cool: , its indoor, ergo most likely you wont get skin cancer (melanoma), high intensity sport that is unlikely to injure you but there have been several cases though of leg injuries due to the high speed sprint and brake nature of the sport.

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I go boxing almost everyday. Amateur style. Amateur coaches and boxers ang coach ko. I usually train with the Philippine Navy Boxing Team. Training is intense. Love the sport. Been doing it for almost four years.


I also play hoops. Not as much though. I partially tore my ACL a few years back and that affected my desire to continue playing. I play just to play, not as passionate as I used to be.

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hey mr. brawler! i remember you pm'd me about boxing! i haven't had time to check that out but i'm still very interested. :)


i also was able to try ultimate frisbee.. i think this is a sport i wouldn't mind really making time for. it's a lot of fun, is a great workout and also an excellent way to meet people.


i also used to play a lot of golf but since this takes up so much time, i've stopped. so for now, there's just my twice-a-week appointment for my belly dancing class. any dance class is really good... it's a great workout, increases flexibility and grace, and is also very very helpful in... uh... intimate situations. :lol:

Edited by missmanners
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I alos love 2 BOX. I was ac2lly being ENCOURAGED to go Amateur,..but well, I am honestly scared to get my face damaged,..so here I am,.......configuring routers and teaching tech support to agents,.......

oh well.


Nywayz,..my spoirts are: Boxing, hoops, some soccer, chess, long ditance running ;which I always participate almost every1 Sunday, some Taekwondo and swimming.


Look forward to getting in REAL SHAPE by May ..... :cool:

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Hi Missmanners.


Great to hear you're still interested to try out boxing. Just PM if you decide to drop by our gym. Again, the gym is spartan (translation: shitty) but the training is the best. Hope to see you soon.





Where do you train for boxing? What's your fighting weight? We're planning to have a "friendly" interclub meet in a couple of months, you may want to sign up. Matched bouts, club level. Probably 2-3 2 min. rounds. We're kind of asking around if there is enough interest before we push through.

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