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How it combats cancer: Research has revealed that a chemical component called indole-3-carbinol can combat breast cancer by converting a cancer-promoting estrogen into a more protective variety. The phytochemical sulforaphane raises the levels of certain cancer-fighting enzymes that defend the body from cigarette smoke, fumes, pesticides & other known carcinogens.


Diet tips: Broccoli leaves actually contain more beta-carotene (i.e. pre-Vitamin A) than the florets - use leaves in purees, soups, and stir-fries. To preserve broccoli’s valuable nutrients, steam or microwave, being careful not to overcook. Avoid garnishing broccoli with fatty cheeses and creams instead, squeeze on some lemon juice or sprinkle with toasted breadcrumbs.




How it combats cancer: Its plentiful store of vitamin C works as an antioxidant and may also reduce absorption of cancer-causing nitro amines from the soil or processed foods. Papaya contains folacin (also known as folic acid), which has been shown to minimize cervical dysplasia and certain cancers.


Diet tips: Choose papayas that are at least half yellow in the store. Fully green ones were probably picked too soon and won’t ripen properly. You can serve papaya in fruit salad, add it to a garlic-and-spinach pasta mixture, or just eat it on its own, letting the juice dribble down your arm.




How it combats cancer: Garlic’s immune-enhancing allium compounds block carcinogens from entering cells and slow tumor development. Diallyl sulfide, a component of garlic oil, has also shown to render carcinogens in the liver inactive. Studies have linked garlic - as well as onions, leeks, and chives - lower risk of stomach and colon cancer.


Diet tips: Add raw garlic to salads; use it fresh in marinades and sauces;

rub freshly cut garlic around the insides of salad bowls and over chicken

and fish fillets. Avoid dried or powdered garlic, which is less

concentrated - and less effective




How it combats cancer: Research has shown that indoles, nitrogen compounds found in kale and other leafy greens, may help stop the conversion of certain lesions to cancerous cells in estrogen-sensitive tissues. In addition, isothiocyanates, phytochemicals found in kale, are thought to suppress tumor growth and block cancer-causing substances from reaching their targets.


Diet tips: A cruciferous vegetable, kale requires quick cooking - blanching or steaming - to preserve its nutrients. When you’re done, save the nutrient-rich cooking liquid for soups or sauces. You can also use whole large leaves to wrap fillings or to layer in lasagna.




How it combats cancer: This nutrient-dense food contains many anticancer properties. It’s loaded with beta-carotene, which may protect DNA in the cell nucleus from cancer-causing chemicals outside the nuclear membrane.


Diet tips: Go for freshness when picking potatoes - canned varieties contain less beta-carotene and vitamins C and B. Naturally sweet and creamy, mashed sweet potatoes can be enhanced with a little apple juice. Or whip the cooked tubers with orange zest or orange juice and season with cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger.




How it combats cancer: Grapefruits, like oranges and other citrus fruits, contain monoterpenes, believed to help prevent cancer by sweeping carcinogens out of the body. Some studies show that grapefruit can inhibit the proliferation of breast-cancer cells in vitro. It also contains vitamin C, beta-carotene, and folic acid.


Diet tips: Grapefruit can be sweetened with brown sugar or a drizzle of maple syrup or honey; vanilla extract, fresh mint, and almonds also accent the fruit’s flavor. Grapefruit juice will give you the antioxidants and phytochemicals that fight cancer, but it’s missing the fiber that fresh, whole grapefruit offers.




How it combats cancer: Avocados are rich in glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that attacks free radicals in the body by blocking intestinal absorption of certain fats. Ounce for ounce, avocados also supply 60 percent more potassium than bananas and are a strong source of beta-carotene.


Diet tips: Store avocados at room temperature until they soften. If you don’t eat the fruit immediately after cutting, sprinkle on some lemon or limejuice to keep it from darkening. Add chunks or slices to salads and sandwiches or spread mashed avocado on bread.




How they combat cancer: Seaweed and other sea vegetables contain beta-carotene, protein, vitamin B12, fiber, and chlorophyll, as well as chlorophylones - important fatty acids that may help in the fight against breast cancer. Also, many sea vegetables have high concentrations of the minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and iodine.


Diet tips: Sea vegetables come fresh, dried, or powdered. Both the Japanese & the Irish regularly use them as flavorings for broths & soups, stir-fried over rice, or as a wrap for fish and other seafood. Varieties such as dulce, wakame, Kombu, and hijiki even appear in pancakes, salads, puddings, and sandwiches.




How it combats cancer: Soy contains several types of phytoestrogens -weak, nonsteroidal estrogens that could help prevent both breast and prostate cancer by blocking and suppressing cancerous changes. Genistein, one type of phytoestrogen, also lowers breast-cancer risk by inhibiting the growth of epithelial cells & new blood vessels that tumors require to flourish.


Diet tips: Tofu is made by coagulating the protein in soybeans - much the way cheese is produced. While bland on its own, tofu absorbs other flavors when cooked, making it perfect for stir-fries, dips, spreads, shakes, even cheesecake. It’s also a good high-protein substitute for meat, whole milk & mayonnaise.



Please note that ALL cruciferous vegetables (like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts, etc.) CANNOT be taken raw as they contain oxalates, which if excessive, can lead to gall stones.

To get maximum benefit from these vegetables, please do not overcook them.





Not all cancers are the same. 1/3 is curable. 1/3 is preventable. 2 factors of cancer that cannot be controlled are AGE & FAMILY HISTORY.


Causes of cancer:

1. Smoking is very often the main cause of cancer. It kills us silently and drains money from us quietly. There're 4,000 harmful chemicals (though in diluted form) in one stick of cigarette. Taking one puff is 600 times worst than inhaling the exhaust fumes from vehicles.


2. Some food that cause cancer are:

2.1 Barbecued Food

2.2 Deep Fried Food

2.3 Overheating Meat

2.4 Food that is high in fat causes our bile to secrete acid that contains a chemical, which is a promoter of cancer cells.

2.5 Food that contains preservatives, too much salt or nitrates (e.g. Canned food, Salted egg & veggies, sausages, etc.)

2.6 Overnight Rice (where Aflatoxin is accumulated)

2.7 Food that is low in fiber: Our body needs 25 gm of both soluble & insoluble fiber daily. We must drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water a day.

2.8 Contaminated Food (e.g. molded bread causes our body to secrete toxins that may eventually lead to liver cancer in the long run. Never eat bread that is kept in room temperature for more than 2 days especially in a humid weather like Singapore's.


3. Specific Food & Beverages

4.1 Egg when eaten too much can cause High Colon Cancer. Risk Ovary Cancer, Prostate Cancer.

4.2 The residue of over-burned coffee is extremely bad for health. It can cause cancer.

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The Toxins In Our Food Supply


How safe is the food we eat?


Our fish and seafood often contain pesticide residues, as do our fruits, vegetables, and grains. Among the foods that harbor the most bacteria, viruses, toxic metals, lead, pesticides, or aflatoxin, according to the authors of Safe Food: Eating in a Risky World, are: raw shellfish (oysters, mussels, clams), undercooked poultry and meat, raw milk, raw eggs and dishes containing raw eggs, certain large fish (like large salmon), overdone grilled fatty meats, food stored in lead-soldered cans, crystal or ceramics that leach lead, moldy peanuts and corn.


And then there are the suspected cancer-causing chemicals (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or PAHs and heterocyclic amines or HAs) in food. PAHs are produced when fatty foods are smoked or grilled. HAs are created mostly when meat, poultry, or fish is pan-fried or boiled until overdone (overcooking can be as unsafe as undercooking). Some fish contain toxins such as ciguatoxin while shellfish may contain toxins like paralytic shellfish toxin. Some foods, like comfrey tea and false morels (a type of wild mushroom), contain naturally occurring substances that could cause cancer. Other foods may develop toxins if they’re not stored properly.


What about raw fish? Sushi is sooo good and sushi lovers will be so delighted to know that the fish used for sushi very rarely harbor parasites. Like tuna (bluefin, yellowfin, etc.), Japanese yellowtail (young, hamachi), fish roe (other than herring roe), octopus, shrimp, scallops.


Eat, drink, but be wary, says author Dr. Michael Jacobson and co. When it comes to eating, it pays to be defensive. They share these tips to safer food:


Buy food fresh and store it properly. Observe expiration ("use by" or "sell by") dates on foods such as dairy products, eggs, meat, and poultry. Buy fish with bright, shiny flesh and skin. And keep food properly refrigerated. Assume that milk, eggs, cheese, fish, meat, and poultry are contaminated with harmful bacteria. Keeping these foods cold stops most types of bacteria from multiplying to possibly dangerous levels. Don’t leave these foods out for more than two hours. Thaw food overnight in your refrigerator, instead of at room temperature, which allows bacteria to thrive.


Handle and prepare food safely. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly. This can help remove some (though not all) of the pesticide residues, as well as harmful bacteria that might be present on the food. Remove outer leaves from leafy vegetables, and peel produce when appropriate.


Cook eggs, meat, fish, and poultry thoroughly to k*ll harmful bacteria that may be present. Use care with these foods to avoid cross-contamination or spreading bacteria to other foods. When handling raw eggs, meat, fish, and poultry, wash your hands, utensils, and kitchen surfaces with hot, soapy water.


Avoid foods that are mostly likely to contain natural toxins. Never eat moldy nuts and grains. Avoid comfrey and false morels. Cut out or throw away green or damaged spots on potatoes.


Happy and safe eating to all!

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  • 2 weeks later...

im sorry to hear about your stories...


i lost both my grandmothers to cancer too. my grandma on my dad's side died before i was born so i never met her. but it was tragic anyways since my dad was only 11 when she died... and before she died, she was crying and telling my dad's older siblings to take care of my dad since he was the youngest and would have to grow up without her...


on the other hand, me and my other grandma were really, really close. we didn't know she had cancer until it was too late. she was just in the hospital for a check-up and then next thing we know, they had to take her in. the next day, she had multiple strokes and fell into a coma. that same day, we found out she was already in the latest stage of cancer.


everything happened so fast. after she was diagnosed with cancer, i would wake up in the middle of the night and sit for minutes wishing everything was just a dream. it was crazy and i remembered that my eyes were swollen from crying every time i thought about it -- which was pretty much all the time. 3 weeks after falling into her coma and after being diagnosed with cancer, she passed away.


the lesson i learned from that was simple: never let a day go by without telling people how u feel about them. i regret not ever telling my grandma how much i loved her. when i told her, she was already in a coma and i don't know if she ever heard me...


to this day, it still bugs me that she never heard me say i love u. i sometimes dream about her and in my dreams, i usually run to hug her and i start crying and try to mumble the words "i love you". she usually doesnt say anything in my dreams but one time, she did say something: "i know you do, don't cry. i never got the chance to tell u either but i hope u know i love u..."



my dreams sound like movies.. i've had quite a few but they're all real and very touching for me...


cancer took away my grandma's life but not her love. if u lose someone to cancer, i hope you'll see it this way too.

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im sorry to hear about your stories...


i lost both my grandmothers to cancer too. my grandma on my dad's side died before i was born so i never met her. but it was tragic anyways since my dad was only 11 when she died... and before she died, she was crying and telling my dad's older siblings to take care of my dad since he was the youngest and would have to grow up without her...


on the other hand, me and my other grandma were really, really close. we didn't know she had cancer until it was too late. she was just in the hospital for a check-up and then next thing we know, they had to take her in. the next day, she had multiple strokes and fell into a coma. that same day, we found out she was already in the latest stage of cancer.


everything happened so fast. after she was diagnosed with cancer, i would wake up in the middle of the night and sit for minutes wishing everything was just a dream. it was crazy and i remembered that my eyes were swollen from crying every time i thought about it -- which was pretty much all the time. 3 weeks after falling into her coma and after being diagnosed with cancer, she passed away.


the lesson i learned from that was simple: never let a day go by without telling people how u feel about them. i regret not ever telling my grandma how much i loved her. when i told her, she was already in a coma and i don't know if she ever heard me...


to this day, it still bugs me that she never heard me say i love u. i sometimes dream about her and in my dreams, i usually run to hug her and i start crying and try to mumble the words "i love you". she usually doesnt say anything in my dreams but one time, she did say something: "i know you do, don't cry. i never got the chance to tell u either but i hope u know i love u..."



my dreams sound like movies.. i've had quite a few but they're all real and very touching for me...


cancer took away my grandma's life but not her love. if u lose someone to cancer, i hope you'll see it this way too.


Thank you for sharing this with us.


I too lost my grandparents (lolo on dad's side and lolo/lola on mom's side). I do believe your dreams as i believe that people you love try to communicate to you through dreams.


I too, have dreamt of my wife telling me "i love you". The love that we both had (my wife and i) were evident and shown even during her later days. During her last day, wherein she wasn't able to speak anymore, she just looked at me and spread her arms (meaning "big hug"), i hugged her and told her "i love you" and she nodded back (her own way of saying "i love you too").


Haay!!! too sentimental..... sorry.....

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I'm sorry to hear about these tragedy's in your lives and after hearing stories like this I always try not to have anybody mad at me or be upset at anybody because they could be gone in a moment. I believe that when your time is up, there is nothing you can do about it.

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Thank you for sharing this with us. 


I too lost my grandparents (lolo on dad's side and lolo/lola on mom's side). I do believe your dreams as i believe that people you love try to communicate to you through dreams.


I too, have dreamt of my wife telling me "i love you".  The love that we both had (my wife and i) were evident and shown even during her later days.  During her last day, wherein she wasn't able to speak anymore, she just looked at me and spread her arms (meaning "big hug"), i hugged her and told her "i love you" and she nodded back (her own way of saying "i love you too").


Haay!!! too sentimental..... sorry.....



:D its ok. i was the one getting REALLY sentimental here. hehe.

thats so sweet tho how u were able to tell your wife exactly how u feel... again, im sorry about your loss.


cancer really is scary because u can keep telling people to avoid eating this and doing that and so on but its not a 100% sure that these people will never develop cancer.... its just horrible. and once a person has been diagnosed with cancer, it seems like a life-long battle... even if they "heal" there's chances of it developing again.


i just recently found out that my best friend when i was in middle school has been diagnosed with cancer and is doing chemo right now... its just sad. all i can do is pray for him... i feel as if he's too young tho but cancer doesnt really pick its target based on vital stats... but i feel devastated anyways since i can't even imagine him having to go through chemo or being close to death's door. and what sucks is he lives soooo far away from me now so i cant even be beside him to offer moral support.


but if anyone here ever develops cancer, its not the end of everything. there is a saying that goes "life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by number of events that have taken our breath away..."

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  • 6 months later...

lost my dad to lung cancer about two years ago, just when he retired. its still painful - and mind boggling - he was a non-smoker his whole life, had an active physical routine and took care of himself. why lung cancer, i don't know.


I missed this out. Early detection is key to surviving the BIg C. So better get a yearly executive check up just to make sure there are no surprises later on.


get a good, high-quality yearly executive check-up. my dad had this done regularly and still the cancer was discovered too late. oh, and if you can, have everything checked.



Anyway, since then, i've been employed in a sort of alternative medical clinic which entailed not just the use of herbs, but also nutrition as a form of treatment for cancer. Sometimes it works on its own, however, i would advise combining it with conventional therapy. if anyone would like some info on cancer prevention tips and advise, just pm me would gladly help. Maybe if i could help others, i could at least diminish the helplessness i felt when my mom was sick.


we did exactly this, radiation (cobalt) + homeopathy (alternative medicine) and extended his life for 4 months more (medical estimate was 3 months). doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is. we had more time to say goodbye and i love you and more time to get used to his nearing fatality. the nice thing about homeopathy is that my dad died peacefully, without the painful agonies of late-stage cancer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was browsing to the site when I came across this topic, I felt so sad, not just because I could feel the pain you people are going through, but also because I was getting an idea how my family initially felt when the news was delivered to me.


I had thyroid problems and had thyroidectomy last December, I never felt anything until the first Friday of January 2006 came. I was on my doctor office and waiting for the pathological report. He told me right away what my condition was, the pathological report confirmed his speculation that I have THYROID CANCER, the type is follicular (the type of cancer cells that migrates from one organ to another) though my 90% of my thyroid was removed, it didn’t gave me any comfort. It was on its 2nd stage. It felt like heaven and earth collided and I was left in the middle. No matter how much I try to convince myself that thyroid cancer is the easiest cancer to cure, I’m still having this worried feeling that somehow it is spreading. Sad but true, now I don’t worry much on how I feel but rather how my close friends, relatives and family member is feeling.


There were few people who saw me crying as I was telling them my condition. I wanted too much to be strong, to be able to conceive whatever I was feeling because I don’t want my family to suffer.


I’m current undergoing treatment and medication, my family was very supportive and so are my friends and colleagues.


I was once told that I should live my live as normal as possible and don’t tell my condition get into my way.

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Before I post my thoughts on cancer, I'd like you to watch this short film:


Highly Acclaimed Video Causing a Flood of Hate Mail


Click below to watch the free animated short video that that has created a major controversy across the Web. The video parodies the drug companies and conventional healthcare system and many are furious about the truth being exposed.


Watch the Town of Allopath Online Video Now

NOTE: Make sure you have your speakers on.




Watch the Town of Allopath VIDEO Now!


Then I will post my views on cancer, which may sound offensive to those who have loved ones who have died of cancer. But could most likely save the lives of those who are diagnosed with cancer today.


I can only help you if you have an open mind.

Edited by babymaker
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  • 2 weeks later...
Good Day to all....


Just wanted your take on this subject. Your fears, questions, opinions, and whatever... If you would like support, I hope this thread can handle it too...


I'll start the ball rolling.


I lost my wife of 16 years to Breast Cancer.  We battled it for almost 3.5 years, but in the end, we lost.  It was a long, painful, uphill battle.  It drained us financially, emotionally, physically. Nearing the end my wife thanked me for the support.  Told her not to thank me, as I would have done it even without her asking for it.


But life has to go on.  Not advisable to just sit in a corner and sulk or be despondent about Life.


Life is to short not to enjoy it....



just read this thread but every time i hear of the big C, our struggles, fears, uncertainties come back and haunt me again... my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002 at the age of 35, was operated , chemotheraphy and the works... its been 4 years but i know in my heart there is no assurance on non recurrence but life has to go on.. from every 3 months check up, we are now in annual check up but we are still stressed during the time of the checkup or even a few weeks before that..it changed our outlook for life forever.. i guess now long term planning is out of the question. we are now living day to day but never forgetting to enjoy every minute of it.......

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Guest BDC0425

after reading all y0ur p0st here, bumalik ulit yung mga experiences k0 dati...


i have w0rked in a h0spital bef0re specifically in radiati0n 0nc0l0gy dept. everyday cancer pt ang mga kasama k0 and every b0dy have their 0wn st0ries t0 tell


may 1 nga pt wh0 has been battling the big C f0r alm0st 13 years na and she is winning in the sense na 0k pa naman siya..


there is als0 this pt na 2 yrs 0ld lang-brain cancer grabe maaawa ka talaga sa bata na kailangan lagi pinapatul0g bef0re any treatment...


there are als0 s0me nuns naman na ang cancer naman is sa 0vary and I ask 1 d0ct0r kung bakit nagkagay0n ang sabi is "its either 0ver used 0r never use" gan0n pala yun!!!


p0int here is.....


1. lahat pwede tamaan ng cancer lalake, babae, bakla, t0mb0y...etc..and fr0m ages 1-101

2. there are 3 types 0f "cure" sa cancer

2.1 surgical - rem0val 0f b0dy parts na may cancer cells e.g breast etc..

2.2 medical - chem0 (by injecti0n, dextr0se type yung may bal0t ng carb0n paper, yung iba is cream which i guess is para lang sa mga superficial na cases )

2.3 radiati0n - c0balt, linear accelerat0r (LINAC),mer0n din yung isng type which I f0rg0t!

2.3.1 c0balt - sab0g ang radiati0n nit0 uses chemical element c0balt

2.3.2 LINAC - s0 far the safest radiati0n treatment uses electricity much much m0re accurate than c0balt.

3. between the 3, radiati0n ang safest (LINAC) sa chem0 kase b0th healthy ans cancer cells pinapatay kaya nanghihina talaga ang mga pt sa chem0. but 0f c0urse there are cases na chem0 lang ang pwede 0pti0n like leukemia...

4. early detecti0n, may hinala ka na may cancer ka??? have it check !!! its better t0 be sure than s0rry!!!

5. all and I mean ALL pe0ple have cancer cells its up t0 us para hindi sila ma trigger.


ang kailangan natin iwasan sa big C is magkar00n ng mets 0r metastasis in tagal0g yung pagkalat ng sakit. liver cancer im s0rry t0 say is 0ne 0f the m0st hopeless cases. h0peless might be a str0ng w0rd per0 yun talaga yun.



I AM N0T AN 0NC0L0GIST N0R DID I T00K ANY MEDICAL C0URSE . what I have written here are based 0n first hand inf0rmati0n fr0m d0ct0rs, pt and medical physicist ( the pers0n wh0 prepares the wh0le planning treatment 0f a pt in a rad 0nc0 treatment )


if y0u need a d0c maybe I c0uld refer y0u t0 s0me

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have heard of two cases where they opted radiation before administering chemo treatments... what happened was, the cells didn't respond to the chemo treatments anymore kasi parang naluto na...


anyway... hopefully radiation will be good for my nephew who is only turning 3.... and has been battling cancer since October last year.


my Grandpa had prostate cancer and died... but he was almost 80 when that happened... and maybe because I was still a child, the implications of the disease didn't hit me as much


then his youngest son (my uncle) had colon cancer... had to even have a part of his intestines removed... but again, i didn't actually feel the impact of the disease in our family's life, despite the fact that i watched over him with his wife...


but when my nephew was stricken... a child i watched from infancy... a child i love and adore... we were really devastated... cancer really strikes in random inasmuch as it punishes those who led unhealthy lifestyles (smoking?)...


and we're still waiting for my nephew to be declared cancer-free... but there are more treatments ahead of him... and we're just really grateful that kids are more graceful and brave and resilient than we can ever be...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest BDC0425
i have heard of two cases where they opted radiation before administering chemo treatments... what happened was, the cells didn't respond to the chemo treatments anymore kasi parang naluto na...


anyway... hopefully radiation will be good for my nephew who is only turning 3.... and has been battling cancer since October last year.


my Grandpa had prostate cancer and died... but he was almost 80 when that happened... and maybe because I was still a child, the implications of the disease didn't hit me as much


then his youngest son (my uncle) had colon cancer... had to even have a part of his intestines removed... but again, i didn't actually feel the impact of the disease in our family's life, despite the fact that i watched over him with his wife...


but when my nephew was stricken... a child i watched from infancy...  a child i love and adore... we were really devastated... cancer really strikes in random inasmuch as it punishes those who led unhealthy lifestyles (smoking?)...


and we're still waiting for my nephew to be declared cancer-free... but there are more treatments ahead of him... and we're just really grateful that kids are more graceful and brave and resilient than we can ever be...



sorry to hear that ms beautiful... I really hope your nephew would get the right treatment for him... may I ask kung ano case ng nephew mo? and saan siya nagpapa RT? ang RT kase is pinapatay ang mga cancer cells it is indeed possible na hindi mag respond sa chemo.... if your nephew is declared CA-free

(hopefully soon) you still have to give him check ups every now and then baka kase....



may suggestion lang me here sa mga taong may CA...if your family cannot afford the treatment, try to ask for assistance sa PCSO they do help patients na cant afford.... during these times, hindi na dapt mahiya its life we are talking here... sana po nakatulong ako sa inyo...

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