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Supplements - to Take or Not to Take?

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any sideeffects of supplements??



1. During the mid90's the word of mouth that was considered as the " King Of SUpplements" is Creatine Monohydrate. eto ang first supplement that can back its claim na " increased strength" my bench press before na kaya ko ng 6 reps , nagawa ko siya ng 9 reps after the " loading " phase.


squats, bicep curls, etc, lahat dumagdag ang reps. the problem lang is lumaki mukha ko at leeg, kasing laki ng jumbo siopao


2. Fat Burners , Hydroxycut


Hydroxycut works!! period. liliit talaga ang tiyan mo kahit di ka magdiet as long as mag cardio ka. draw back, 4am na gising na gising ka pa din. huwag lumabas ng bahay at baka pagkamalan ka ng tanod na isa kang adik


3. Whey Protein


the only side effect I can think of is malakas eto mag pa CR. I do not drink protein drinks 3 hours before bedtime para hindi ako cr ng cr pag antok na


4. BCAA's


pinimples ako


ang supplement na walang side effect sa akin ay Glutamine Powder. after a work Out I take 5 grams of the stuff. do not take my word for it, try it. after 6 weeks iba ang shape ng chest and tricep mo

Eats fruits..need to take supplement



Fruits have lots of enzymes , Vitamins and Minerals. pero stay away from mangoes and pineapples kasi ang lakas magpataba

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If your goal is to be bigger, then protein drinks can really help you. After all whey for instance is just liquid food. It can also be economically wise to use them if you lack the time to prepare meals.


However, do not use them as a substitute for healthy meals. You still have to eat right. Kung iaasa mo lang lahat sa protein shake tapos mali naman kain mo, panay inom, di ka pa consistent, lalaki ka lang pero walang definition yun katawan.


Personally, I wanna go natural as much as possible. Besides ayoko naman yung sobrang laki tulad ni hulk hogan, swimmers body lang dapat.

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Parang nagkahalu-halo na ang supplements for daily health maintenance and bodybuilding dito sa thread. Pero okay lang, I'm going to comment on bodybuilding supps, since 4 years nako may experience with them, and I read a lot and learn from a relative who's a sports nutrition expert.


Whey protein: Good, but not absolutely necessary. If you can maintain a proper 0.8 : 1 ratio (grams of protein : body weight in pounds), and still keep within the 2500-calorie intake a day, you're in fine shape. Why isn't it absolutely necessary? There are vegan bodybuilders who don't consume meat or even dairy products like Greek yoghurt. They rely on soy and other plant sources, like seaweeds and chia seeds. Google "Derek Tresize" and see how you can build an impressive sculpted physique even when going vegan. Even the humble malunggay plant is chock-full of protein, and has a pretty complete amino acid profile.


*warning to those intent on taking soy: some men are more sensitive to the estrogen-inducing isoflavones in soy milk, and develop man-boobs. Some studies claim there is no direct link, but the anecdotal fact that some men who were formerly flat-chested grew man boobs after ingesting soy milk in big quantities should keep you aware of the danger (here is an example). Regardless of whether soy can really cause man boobs to grow, take note that soy milk is very calorific. Comparing gram-for-gram whey protein powder and soy powder, there is about 4-5x more protein in whey than in soy. What makes up for the rest of the calories in soy then? Sugar. Most soy drinks, powdered or liquid, are prepared with large amounts of sugar to give them flavor. You know what happens to excess sugar, right? It gets stored around your waist and thighs as fat.


*disclaimer: that 0.8 : 1 ratio is just a rule of thumb. The more specific computation is to get the target weight you want (ex., 160 lbs), multiply 160 x 0.8. Why? Not all of your body weight is lean muscle. If you're overweight, your body is mostly fats and water. Do not overindulge in protein when bodybuilding. Doing so won't make your muscles bigger. You will only overwork your liver, which can at most digest 10grams of protein per hour. The rest of the excess protein is excreted in your urine, which manifests as an acetone-like smell.


Vit B: necessary. B-vitamins help keep up our immune system. Since our immune systems dip a bit after exercise (regardless of whether it's cardio or weightlifting), it's helpful to take Vit B regularly, esp if you're on a restricted calorie diet designed to build muscle and shed fat at the same time (yes, it's possible. Don't listen to the "broscience" being preached by knuckleheads that you have to "bulk up" first then "cut" afterwards)


BCAA: not necessary. BCAAs are supplement company additives. Look at the tubs of whey protein you buy: they already contain between 15-20 kinds of BCAAs. And only 3 kinds of BCAAs are related to muscle hypertrophy anyway: leucine, isoleucine and valine. The rest are mostly non-essential BCAAs that you can get from natural food sources like lean meat.


Creatine: helpful, but not necessary. Creatine is one of the most—if not THE most—well-researched substances out there. It's mainly for forcing water into your muscles, to get them in fuller shape, which is why you're lifting in the first place, right? Try to take a break from creatine every 4-5 months. Lab mice which were given creatine for more than 6 months were found to have liver lesions, which could lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer. We're not mice, of course, but just to be on the safe side...


Pre- and post-workout drinks: Generally, I find these to be nothing but marketing gimmicks, designed to sell you more stuff. Pre-workout drinks are loaded with sugar and taurine, which give you that sensation of a temporary high, making you think you've suddenly gone from Bruce Banner to the Incredible Hulk. That's sugar-induced delusion. You don't suddenly have more strength in your muscles. Just like how Gatorade and Powerade market themselves to be good post-workout drinks. They replenish your depleted energy by sugar infusion (specifically sucrose—the sweetest form of sugar) and also lost electrolytes. But you know a cheaper and more natural source of electrolytes? Table salt. Yes, asin—sodium chloride. What I do is half a teaspoon of salt (that's really all you need) mixed with chopped bananas, one scoop of whey protein, 1.5 scoops of skim milk, crushed ice, and blend them in a blender. Best smoothie I've ever tasted. The tiny bit of saltiness is almost drowned out by the creaminess of the milk and whey protein, while the bananas and crushed ice provide a full body to the drink (not watery)


Ephedrine, clenbuterol and other fat-burning supplements: I would advise you to stay away from them. Fat burners are mostly composed of the same ingredients: caffeine, yohimbine, guarana extract, green coffee beans—in varying quantities, depending on the brand. They're designed to make your resting metabolic rate faster. The problem is many people are sensitive to these ingredients, and suffer things like insomnia, jitters, cold sweats, headaches and anxiety. These are caused by the potent combination of caffeine and the other ingredients that force your heart to pump faster and burn more energy in the process. Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine and clenbuterol do these same things, but worse.


Believe me, I've tried these things I've mentioned, and the effects are nasty. I've also tried the ECA stack (ephedrine-caffeine-aspirin) and it made my heart palpitate when running, to the point that I had to stop because my ears and neck were getting so warm and my chest felt like it was going to burst. I wasn't even overweight when I took them; I was trying to get "shredded" for the Century Tuna SuperBods competition. After a session with ECA left me dizzy and disoriented at the gym, I decided to stop. I Googled "clenbuterol side effects" and found reports of people getting stroke or abnormally enlarged hearts after a time of taking them. So I quit. I decided there were more important things in life than looking like a magazine model. I value long life more than anything. Sorry for the long read, but I hope this helps.

Edited by deepdiverboy
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