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Supplements - to Take or Not to Take?

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L-Men is fine but it uses Whey Concentrate. Still better to use the ones with Whey Isolates. I think you're better off with Designer Whey or ON Gold, instead. Or instead of L-Men, mag-Enervon HP ka na lang. Mataas din ang protein content nito.


Right now, I'm using VPX's NO Shotgun and Nitrotech Hardcore. It's actually more practical to stack this two because there's no need for Creatine (because they both have it) and you don't need Thermogenics (because Shotgun can give you just the right amount of perk).


It's also wise to use an Omega supplement whenever you work out to protect your heart.

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Has anyone here tried using TestoRIPPED, I've never been a fan of fat burners mainly because of the risk factors that comes along with these types of supplements (liver damage, heart attacks, death), pero I've always wondered if these fat burners would really help in burning some of the excess fat on my unwanted areas, Hydroxycut has been banned in the U.S. due to the aforementioned risk factors. but based on some of the online reviews I've read, TestoRIPPED is one of the safest fat-burning supplement in the market. So has anyone tried this supplement? any feedback?

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Most vitamins sold are not food--they are synthetically processed petroleum and/or hydrogenated sugar extracts--even if they say “natural” on the label. They are not in the same chemical form or structural form as real vitamins are in foods; thus they are not natural for the human body. True natural food vitamins are superior to synthetic ones. Food vitamins are functionally superior to non-food vitamins as they tend to be preferentially absorbed and/or retained by the body. Isolated, non-food vitamins, even when not chemically different are only fractionated nutrients.


The truth is that only foods, or supplements composed of 100% foods, can be counted on as not containing non-food vitamin analogues. Natural health advocates are supposed to build health on foods or nutrients contained in foods. That was the standard set for the profession in 1947—that standard—that commitment to real naturopathy should remain for natural health professionals today.


The most important thing for us to understand is that all real vitamins are complexes made up of dozens (sometimes hundreds) of different ingredients that work together to make you healthier. All these components have to be present for a vitamin to do its job, just like all the watch parts have to be present so you can tell what time it is. These combinations (the real vitamins) can only be found in foods and cannot be made in a laboratory.

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I think its ok to drink milk coz its protien, .. pero watch out for the fat kse you might develop some fats on the stomach area specially if you are used to drink at night. Know your body type too (endomorphic - hard to shed fat , ectomorphic - hardgainer, mesomorphic - can easily gain and shed body fat) . If you're an active person, no problem with that coz you'll just burn the fats away.


just my 2 cents! :P

I normally drink milk in the morning because I want to burn off the fat.

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any insight in no xplode and cell mass stack?


if you want mass because you're a hard gainer, then this stack can really pack a mean wallop. but again, these are only supplements. it would still depend on how much you eat and the type of food you eat along with it - and of course, the work you put in.


noxplode has nitric oxide and cell mass is basically your jacked up creatine source. you might as well go for VPX's NO Shotgun which has both NO and Creatine.


i actually switched to noxplode right now and just stack it with nitrotech which has protein and creatine (again, just being practical). noxplode for me is like a good and trusted friend, but like any friend, there should be some give and take. and your part of course is to eat right and train hard. :)

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Has anyone here tried using TestoRIPPED, I've never been a fan of fat burners mainly because of the risk factors that comes along with these types of supplements (liver damage, heart attacks, death), pero I've always wondered if these fat burners would really help in burning some of the excess fat on my unwanted areas, Hydroxycut has been banned in the U.S. due to the aforementioned risk factors. but based on some of the online reviews I've read, TestoRIPPED is one of the safest fat-burning supplement in the market. So has anyone tried this supplement? any feedback?


i checked out the supplement facts on testoripped.com. the first thing i noticed is that it has arginine AKG and l-glutamine. if i'm not mistaken, these two shouldn't be taken in one gulp if you want to get the maximum benefits from it because glutamine is a precursor of arginine (which means, by taking glutamine, you enhance the availability of arginine in the body) so it's slightly conficting. but again, it's just a hundred mg each per serving so i'm not sure if the amino combo would be more detrimental than beneficial.


is this available in the philippines?

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how about Serious Mass? anybody who's using it? any remarks? thanks :)

pampataba yan...lolobo ka jan...serious mass,true mass,masstech pare-pareho lang pampataba...mag whey protein kanalang after work out then casein before sleep...efective yan..WITH proper diet and nutrtion AND masipagmagbuhat sa gym...I take N.O.explode before working out minsan NANO vapor...pampalakas lang ng pagbubuhat mu yan...pero for me mas effecive sakin NANOvapor...lalaksa ka talaga...N.O. explode malakas magpapawis...

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can anyone tell me if my routine is alright?


first of all, because of work i have to stay up till morning. so i sleep at around 6am then wake up at around 2pm


at around 3pm i eat about 1 cup of rice and fish, and in the evening around 9pm i eat the same thing, but this time i drink milk because im still hoping to get taller(im trying to take cherifer as well)


then at around 1am i work out till 4am


and after that i eat fish again but with no rice, only kamatis.


then sleep at around 6am


i would appreciate it if someone could tell me if im doing anything wrong or something, thank you



oh and as to not be off the topic

i also take whey protein before and after working out

Edited by Fright
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I'm only familiar with Whey. What whey does, according to Muscle Magazine, is simply force more water into your muscle tissues by aiding in water retention. You don't need whey to gain muscle mass. Do your regular workouts, then drink more water than you used to. Don't overdo it, though. You run the risk of hyponatremia, which is a salt-water imbalance. Drink one Gatorade once in a while.

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I'm only familiar with Whey. What whey does, according to Muscle Magazine, is simply force more water into your muscle tissues by aiding in water retention. You don't need whey to gain muscle mass. Do your regular workouts, then drink more water than you used to. Don't overdo it, though. You run the risk of hyponatremia, which is a salt-water imbalance. Drink one Gatorade once in a while.


Whey doesn't force water into your muscles...


you are referring to creatine

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