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Books To Be Turned In To Movies.

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The movie 300 was also based on Steven Pressfield's - Gates of Fire.




300 was based on Frank Miller's graphic novel of the same name.


Gates of Fire had the same subject matter, but a totally different work.




World War Z by Max Brooks

- in pre production by Brad Pitt's production outfit Plan B. It has J. Michael Straczynski as writer.

- Excellent book and a very well written oral "history" of the planet's final battle against zombies that were borne out of a virus. Unlike other books in the genre, this is presented in a non-fiction style via interviews with survivors of the zombie apocalypse telling their tales of how the zombies took over and the world's struggle to take the planet back from the undead. If you liked 28 days later/28 weeks later and Dawn of the Dead, you'll love this.


Bourne Ultimatum will be out by next year.


one movie that I'm waiting for them to make is Without Remorse by Tom Clancy. This would be bad ass I'm sure.

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Guest bleeding_angel
Even before the movie came out.. While I was reading Davinci Code I really imagined Harrison Ford playing the part of Robert Langdon.. Sort of like his Indiana Jones Character kapag nasa city sya... Hindi yung nasa adventures na...


same here... i had harrison ford in mind when i was reading the Da Vinci Code... a younger harrison ford that is...

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Confessions of an Economic Hitman

by: John Perkins


The shocking inside story of how America REALLY took over the world.


Economic hitmen are highly paid professionals who CHEAT countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, RIGGED ELECTIONS, payoffs, extortion, sex and murder. They play a game as old as Empire but one that has taken on terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization.


JOHN PERKINS should know - he was an economic hitman for an international consulting firm that worked to convince poorer countries to accept enormous development loans - and to make sure that such projects were contracted to U.S. companies. Once these countries were saddled with huge debts, the American government would request their "pound of flesh" in favors, including access to natural resources, military cooperation and political support.


CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HITMAN is the story of one man's experiences inside the intrigue, greed, corruption and little-known government and corporate activities that the U.S. have been involved in since World War II. The message is clear, unless these clandestine activities are stopped, they will have dire consequences for our future.

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It seems that Warner Bros. is trying to get its own LOTR-style fantasy franchise off the ground...


Among the titles they are considering are Piers Anthony's Xanth series (to be co-produced by Wolfgang Petersen's Radiant shingle...Wolfie's no stranger to the genre, having done The NeverEnding Story) and Terry Brooks' Shannara series

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I read in an article a long time ago that there were plans to make the "100 Years of Solitude" of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1982 Nobel laureate) into a film. Parang isang epic, monumental film yan pag magawa talaga ng maayos (script, cast, director, the budget, etc.). Unlike the other classics, like "War and Peace," di nakakaantok ang "Solitude" -- considering all the ingredients present here (politics, fantasy, sex, drama, revolutions and social upheavals, and of course, even sex -- lots of it). Pero kung "commercialized version" o "bababuyin" lang nila, wag na lang. Anyway, mukhang plano lang naman -- na di natuloy (buti naman).

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