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Your Addictions

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day spa for body massages and scrubs

long warm baths


nestea green tea (with the minty taste) and lipton green tea

home wares and furnishings

very rocky road, cheese, almond and chips and pistachio-flavored ice cream

tofu, dark mint chocolate with almonds, sour-cream and onion-flavored junkies

crossword puzzles

news and public affairs programs

thinking and writing

volleyball, firing and arnis


and yes, spock! :wub:

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Pepsi...this is harder than you think to kick...I get caffeine withdrawals, esp.terrible migraines


Chocolates...kahit skip ako nang meals, as long as I get chocolates


Shopping... for everything I can't afford



lately I've been really good with all three addictions


just hope I won't fall off the wagon, Again!

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