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you mentioned letters, can they all be sent unsigned, i mean, not just the one to the Ombudsman?


because there would be hell if the official finds out who sent them right?

first of all HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


about your query hitomi...there differing procedures with each office...the Ombudsman's unsigned letter scenario is enshrined in the Organic law of the Ombudsman... as for the others, before sending any letter...just make sure you know the procedures...for example with BIR...the informer's reward is a signed letter, but would not reach the examined person's knowledge...ideally that is...

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is there a virus i can send to the email to disable it and the network it emanates from...this is still connected to my previous problem...the person still refuses to desist from sending emails in my name...


since it is guerilla warfare the person wants, guerilla warfare is what he will get...


bro, you can actually send an e-mail to the administrator of the offending e-mail address (if it is a yahoo account, send one to yahoo admin etc) and report the malicious use of the said e-mail address. This should prompt an investigation from the admin and block the address, which doesnt necessarily puts and end to your dilemma as the dingbat will just open another account somewhere with the same credentials and you're back to square one. This is your legal option, now if you are quite malicious and want payback, you could turn the tables by subscribing the offending e-mail address to ghastly gay porn and such other crap, in which case the offending e-mail address will be flooded with spam and the like thus closing the account (unless of course it's a big storage space account, yahoo has 1 Gigabyte of mail storage now). You can of course just ask your IT person at the office to block the e-mail address from sending e-mails to your servers. Problem solved.

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pls help me got some problems..

i was trying to save some money today so that instead of buying an original DVD PC game i just downloaded the entire dvd rip of the game from a warez site.. after hours of downloading, finally finished..



1.) Can I play this rip without a dvd player/burner & How?

2.) I have the ff 3 parts of the installer in rar files (guess their compressed) & their not in ISO format

3.) It seems i read somewhere on the net that I have to remove some IDE cables from my PC to get DVd rips to work..

And I dont wanna do that..

4.) Is there any way to convert the said .RAR files of the ripped DVD pc game and to ISO?

Para diba I could just load it up in VirtualDrive Or Daemon Tools?


Need some help here..

I only have a CD writer, nero software,viretualdrive, daemon tools

Any expert of cracking and warez could would about this..


* then again I could just buy the DVD pirated or orig but i wanted to save *




Edited by kUrTsKY
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inquire lang po ako... nakabili frend ko ng car... open deed of sale siya.ibig sabihin pirmado yun deed of sale nun owner na nakalagay sa or/cr ng car.. 3rd owner na yun frend ko. bale yun 2nd owner hindi pinanotary yung deed of sale. di na rin trinansfer sa name niya yun car. gusto ng frend ko na itransfer yun name sa or/cr... pwede ba gamitin yun pirmadong deed of sale at yun ipanotary para magamit sa lto?

any reply will be appreciated...

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