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thank you for the wonderful team that delivered

a wonderful material tonight. less than a week

of prep and complete with all the pressures.

still... we made it with flying colors.


thank you for the trust and respect of my clients.

it's good when you can get creative and edgy

and come up with even better materials.


thank you for the chance to say whats on my mind.

no matter how hard and how painful it can be

saying whats right will still be the best option.

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thank you for last weekend. was with good friends who keep me sane.


thank you for the safe trip to and from manila.


thank you for my patients whom i take care, they make me realize the value of health, family, love and respect. ( i can never learn that from anybody else)


thank you for the gift of life t our patients in our ward. makes me feel blessed i'm physically good and blessed.


thank you for the smile i have on my face. :)

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thanks for the new pda.

got a very good deal for it.

i missed my ipaq for a few weeks.


thank you for blessing me with a new usb drive.

its very helpful in my work.


thank you for a nice lunch with my bestfriend.

always a joy to be with her and do a little catching up.


thanks to my engineer at work.

we finished early. hope it gets the approval of my client.


thank you for the new project.

though m tired as early as january,

it's always a blessing when clients

trust you this much.


thank you to someone...

for making me smile...

for making me think...

for making everything around me calm down.

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thanks for the much needed push.

i hope this means i will be back in shape

to face my ballistics skeds starting this week.


thanks for blessing me more than enough.

fruits of my labor i would like to think!


thanks for the gift of sleep.

i need to invest on this cause the next three

months will be very challenging.


thank you for good dinner out last nite and tonite.

always a blessing to be with people close to my heart.


thank you to my friend, kat.

she's a source of inspiration.

i value her wisdom.


thanks for the gift of laughter and joy.

i know the next three months will be so challenging

i might not have that chance to be laughing as often.

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