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What's The Last Book You've Read?

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I'm reading Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.


I know one shouldn't judge a book by its cover but my copy's got this really cool cover artwork. I tried looking for the artist's name but I can't find it anywhere in the book. Anywayz, it's a painting of a guy on top of a red house roof. The roof is one of those sharp triangular shaped ones, you know? Maybe it's a birdhouse. It looks as if he's going to jump but maybe he's just reflecting. He seems to be staring at the sky, which is cloudy and dull. The man has his back turned so you can't see his face yet his posture, the way he's standing there, makes him seem... sad, I guess.


The painting's utterly depressing, sharp reds and dull yellows and the ghost of azure. I've been staring at it since I found the book last Saturday while rummaging through a bargain bin. I haven't even gotten very far in the book. The third chapter I believe.


That artwork, for whatever reasons, haunts me.

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My Life - Bill Clinton

So... how do you find bill's memoirs? I must admit I flipped to the monica lewinsky page immediately when I bought the book. :lol: an interesting read but I feel like I should have waited for the book to be on sale (which happened a few weeks after I bought the book)

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Bought 3 discounted books last night at Powerbooks:


1. LOVE GATHERS ALL (the Philippines-Singapore Anthology of Love Poetry)

2. DOG EATERS - Jessica Hagedorn

3. THE AWAKENING - Kate Chopin (Read this in college - xeroxed version, now i have a real book, would be nice to read it again - no missing pages, no blurred paragraphs.


LOVE GATHERS ALL is a blast. would be able to finish the 200++ pages over the weekend.

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