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PISCES People Unite

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breakfast buffet EB sa somethings FISHy :upside: :lol:
( i just added myself. nawala e)



oops. Just noticed this. Sorry fellas! Copied/pasted the calendars of other posts, so was bound to make some mistakes. Thanks goodness for the Edit button. heheheh. I ought'a work backwards to prevent this from happening again. :wacko: Thanks for the heads up! :cool:

btw kurt cobain is a piscean


march 15


occupation: marine biologist aus ba

Wow. Didn't know that, val-mac. :thumbsupsmiley: I suppose a lot of artists are Pisceans, too, because we tend to have a creative side to us.

feb 25 sweetpsyche, SunflowR, J888Cool, achilles the almighty, Uno™

feb 19 jason_lee

feb 20 lllklllolllblllelll

feb 21 Manticore, Joel, Warhammer, spumante, kidyot214

feb 22 mental_boi, spot, LT

feb 23 MackyMakoy

feb 24 Raine, enki

feb 25 sweetpsyche, SunflowR, J888Cool, achilles the almighty, Uno™

feb 26 jason bourne

feb 27 Marilen, freeboracaytrip

feb 28 Shizuka, xuaeenr, PrettyboyPOPOY

feb 29 freezer

mar 1 Ecko

mar 2 Mayella

mar 3 TipsyBoi, dixiewhiskey, ziel 0303, dj flip03

mar 4 Kenzji

mar 5 iwalkalone


mar 7 missmanners

mar 8 mistaj, pogs109, master t.d.(Jethro)

mar 9

mar 10 Joyboy, lndindy

mar 11 Ennzo

mar 12 Google, sidlopez_x, maldita

mar 13 George Estregan Lives, kissassers

mar 14 purple_ink, pajamazzon, arkitekto, uchisy

mar 15 awo, rainercdo, val-mac

mar 16 djrumble_316

mar 17 cruzader, Steel17, Sgt. KaMoTe, mushee

mar 18 mini_me18, boyong

mar 19 shark

mar 20 Fusarium jimini


Welcome, val-mac and Uno™! (I sure hope I got our calendar right this time! heheheh.)

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Thanks goodness for the Edit button. heheheh.

Sure is nice to edit this typo, but what the hey! It gets the point across more effectively. (Doesn't it? heheheh.)

hi lng po and tnx for including wid dis group!!!


(haven't been here for a long time... thank goodness there are more sensible topics!!! now... or not really???)

You're most welcome, Bro'! I did notice that the forums have been slightly reformatted since I last logged in (which wasn't too long ago. heheheh.) If you've been away for a coupl'a months, you'll have noticed that MTC's running on a later version of Invision Power Board, which has nifty, albeit unfamiliar features, as well as tweaked functions we've been accustomed to from its previous incarnation. :cool:

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hi guys! i was born on March 14!!! say ,a guy told me he was traumatized by piscean and he does'nt want to get back.. what is it about us???!!!!


ya know what! my last girlfriend was a piscean too. we were on the point of getting married but she passed away. I too was traumatized to be hurt so badly that I almosed cursed both heaven and hell. that was 5 years ago. now I somehow tried to recover myself from being half crazy and all paranoid on engaging on to any commitments. maybe the other guy had the trauma of loosing someone so precious that he almost lost himself...... by the way im a piscean too! :goatee:

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ya know what! my last girlfriend was a piscean too. we were on the point of getting married but she passed away. I too was traumatized to be hurt so badly that I almosed cursed both heaven and hell. that was 5 years ago. now I somehow tried to recover myself from being half crazy and all paranoid on engaging on to any commitments. maybe the other guy had the trauma of loosing someone so precious that he almost lost himself...... by the way im a piscean too! :goatee:



aww.. that's sad :(


hope your okey now.


i've had two relationships with a capricorn and from the time i broke up with them i decided i'll stay away with capricorns. too strict for me.

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aww.. that's sad :(


hope your okey now.


i've had two relationships with a capricorn and from the time i broke up with them i decided i'll stay away with capricorns. too strict for me.


Hi there, glad to have someone to talk to!


Capricorns are some of the coolest people to have around, but I do agree that they are quite strict on some aspects.

Leos can tame them, not us.... :goatee:

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  • 2 weeks later...

feb 19 jason_lee

feb 20 lllklllolllblllelll

feb 21 Manticore, Joel, Warhammer, spumante, kidyot214

feb 22 mental_boi, spot, LT

feb 23 MackyMakoy

feb 24 Raine, enki

feb 25 sweetpsyche, SunflowR, J888Cool, achilles the almighty, Uno™

feb 26 jason bourne

feb 27 Marilen, freeboracaytrip

feb 28 Shizuka, xuaeenr, PrettyboyPOPOY

feb 29 freezer

mar 1 Ecko

mar 2 Mayella

mar 3 TipsyBoi, dixiewhiskey, ziel 0303, dj flip03

mar 4 Kenzji

mar 5 iwalkalone, ironbun


mar 7 missmanners

mar 8 mistaj, pogs109, master t.d.(Jethro)

mar 9

mar 10 Joyboy, lndindy

mar 11 Ennzo

mar 12 Google, sidlopez_x, maldita

mar 13 George Estregan Lives, kissassers

mar 14 purple_ink, pajamazzon, arkitekto, uchisy

mar 15 awo, rainercdo, val-mac

mar 16 djrumble_316

mar 17 cruzader, Steel17, Sgt. KaMoTe, mushee

mar 18 mini_me18, boyong

mar 19 shark

mar 20 Fusarium jimini


Welcome, ironbun & fumaleyare! Care to add your nick to our calendar, fumaleyare? Just one more slot to fill, and our calendar's complete! Calling all March 9'ers out there! heheheh.

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Element: Water

Quality: Mutable

Planet: Neptune

Stone: Aquamarine

Color: Sea blue

Animal: Dolphin

Flower: Lotus

Love Words: Dream a little dream of me!

Gift: Sensuality



Pisces lives in a psychic world of supersensitivity.

We are soulfully connected to other dimensions and there is a tendency to not be able to distinguish what is fantasy and what is real.We are specially visual, which is why so many of us are artists.We are gifted with a multileveled consciousness and our sensitivity goes from being extremely intuitive into the psychic.We are very tactile. When we touch something there is a stream of consciousness that feeds us information (psychometry), and we are claireaudient (hearing an innervoice), and psychic (seeing pictures in the mind as well).We live in a world of physical and psychic sensuality.


Pisces ( like all water signs) are in tune with the emotional aspects of life.

There are no barriers standing between us and our deep subconscious. It isn't easy to be fused with other people and feel responsible for their happiness. Of all the water signs, Pisces is the most psychic. The other signs are intuitive, but we go way beyond that, and we are the most physically sensitive of all the signs. We are ultra absorbent, very like litmus paper, and our finely tuned sensitivity is constantly testing the climate of our surrounding.

As a water sign we take on the changeable properties of the mutable element, and being so flexible, we have no real boundaries; it's easy for us to fit the shape of what others want from us. This can make us feel like a victim.

Watery and emotional, Pisces is a sign of extremes. We have the ability to go into the fluidity of imagination.

Virgo, an excellent partner for us, rules the technique that is needed to get these imaginings and dreams actualized. Water (Pisces) and our balancing element Earth (Virgo), mixed together make brick build lasting edifices and monuments. Pisces need the support of earth (Virgo) polarity to function at their highest.


As a pisces we are connected to a great sense of oneness. Pisces is the sign of the soul. Pisces is the most feminine of all signs...it is called yin yin. Pisces is almost totally right-brained. Information comes to us from all levels in a divergent way. We are born with a highly developed right brain; we are able to reach into the greatest creative energy available. It is our gift but it can delude us. We must constantly keep a reality check going in our mind's eye. We are truth seekers. We have to learn to comfort our fears of rejection, which comes out of the deep subconscious.

We Pisceans can be very courageous in that we know deep within that courage is not the absence of fear----but rather the belief that something exists that is greater than fear.

The greatest need of the Piscean temperament is the capability to endure. There is an element of restlessness that must be conquered. When we learn to open our soul, we are thrice blessed; body, mind, and soul.

As a liquid element we are looking for someone or something else to concretize our fluidity. This feeling of dependency can cause us to feel urgent and helpless in complex situations. It's always better for us to sort things out for ourselves and find a sense of inner stability.

Dependency is its own reward, but if our reliance is too strong, our mind and body go lax, and our life is controlled by someone else. Remember...Fish have scales of protection and a strong backbone!

We must not be a victim of our own vulnerability. We need defenses. Even the beautiful Rose has thorns.


Pisceans---in intimate relationships....we are naturally a giving person.

We are highly sensitive and vulnerable, reflecting a natural kind of innocence and naivete. We are romantics and hopelessly in love with love. With our dreamy ways, we easily fall into a false idea of what love is. Rather than having the patience to develop a relationship with real intimacy and commitment, we jump into extremely exciting scenarios, without much forethought. We can hold on to our fantasy only so long before the truth will come out and we become disillusioned.

We often settle for less...if someone on our level comes in, we hide because there is a deep fear that if they knew us they wouldn't love us.

The depression brought on by impossible realtionships can lead to a broken heart and a feeling of rejection so deep that it triggers all ourfears of being unworthy of love.We have the tendency to drown our sorrows in addictive behaviors. Even the internet can be addictive :P


Our Most Authentic Self: PISCES


The traditional symbol for Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions. It is said this opposing forces cause insecurity and indecisiveness, even suggesting a loss of spiritual power. In Egypt, at the Ptolemaic Temple of Dendera (circa 100 B.C.),

there is a beautiful old zodiac on the ceiling of one of the upstairs rooms. Egyptologists think this zodiac is a copy of one much older than the temple itself. In fact the Great Precessional Age alluded to in this zodiac is the Cancerian Age, approximately ten thousand years ago. In this older zodiac the symbols for Pisces were very different; the fish are swimming in the same direction.

This suggests that Pisces have the ability to align their dual nature. Without self-doubt...we can believe in ourselves and use our gifts for the benefit of all concerned without wanting to manipulate or escape. Piscean fish CAN swim heart and soul in the same direction!


We Pisceans, are sensitive; basically we are creative and self sufficient. When we enter into a relationship, we must see our partner's soul. Our largess is intuition and faith; leave the tears behind. As Shakespeare says in Romeo and Juliet : " Venus smiles not in the house of tears." ;)

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Do you really believe all this stuff? Isn't it too incredulous to have your fate dictated by the stars? Doesn't it go against all reason and logic? Come on! You're more intelligent than that.


aww.. that's sad :(


hope your okey now.


i've had two relationships with a capricorn and from the time i broke up with them i decided i'll stay away with capricorns. too strict for me.

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aww.. that's sad :(


hope your okey now.


i've had two relationships with a capricorn and from the time i broke up with them i decided i'll stay away with capricorns. too strict for me.


there's something about pisces and capricorn, the relationship never last. my last 2 relationships r also with capricorns.

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Do you really believe all this stuff? Isn't it too incredulous to have your fate dictated by the stars? Doesn't it go against all reason and logic? Come on! You're more intelligent than that.



sana naman walang pakialamanan.


thanks! :*

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